Never forget (Lou Miller X Reader) One shot

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Lou woke up slowly, eyes still shut as her hands searched for you. They were met by the cold silk sheets on your empty side of the bed.  She opened her eyes now, fully aware of the fact that she was alone.  She sat up in bed and her eyes scanned the room for any sign of a note from you, since you usually left a note if you had to slip out while she was sleeping.

Her eyes darted from the dresser to both nightstands, but there was no note in sight.  As much as she tried to stop them, the thoughts came flooding in, creating a hurricane of emotion in her mind. 

'Of course she's gone. She probably found someone better.'

Do you know why Lou is always so seemingly headstrong and composed?  She's had her heart broken more times than she can count. Because of this, she's learned to guard herself and keep her walls up.  Walls that you were able to break down.  It seems to her now that maybe she shouldn't have let you in at all.  The tears start to fall now, slowly at first, then all at once. 

She looked up quickly as she heard the bedroom door open, seeing you walk in.  Your eyes met hers and your heart sank as you saw her lifeless, tearful gaze.  You walk over to the bed and sit next to her, putting your hand on hers.  She pulls her hand away instantly, making you worry even more. 

"Lou, what is it?"  you ask calmly, in your reassuring voice that she usually loves.

She finally looks into your eyes again and asks a question that she's afraid to know the answer to.

"Have you found someone else?"

You freeze up and look at her with the softest expression you can manage. You hate seeing your girlfriend look defeated like this, especially after she asked you something like that. 

"Why would you think that?"

"You didn't leave a note, Y/N! You always leave a note..."

You feel an instant pang of guilt as you realize that you forgot to leave her a note because you were in a hurry today.

"I'm so sorry babe. I just forgot. I wasn't with anyone else."

Lou looks at you now, a little more hopeful than before, but still not quite trusting you yet.

"Then what were you doing?"

You look at her sweetly as to tell her there's nothing to worry about.

"Why don't I show you?"

You reach a hand out to her and she stares at it a moment before finally taking it and allowing you to pull her up off the bed and lead her into the living room. Her eyes widen as she sees the whole  setup you've made for her.  There were candles on every end table and hot plates of her favorite food on the table right in front of the couch.  You gently rub the back of her hand with your thumb.

"See, love?  I was at the store getting all of this for you and setting it up."

Her eyes brimmed with happy tears as she allowed her walls to come down once again.  You smile softly and bring her into a tight hug, which she gladly returns.  After you enjoy each others embrace for a moment, you pull away slightly and swipe her tears away gently.

"You did all this for me?"

"Of course I did.  You've worked hard this week and you deserve a nice night."

She smiled brighter than you've seen her smile since you got home and you feel an instant rush of relief and contentment.  The two of you sit down on the couch as you partake in her favorite meal.  Once you both finish eating, you cuddle together on the couch for a while before she breaks the silence.

"I really thought you'd left me..."

You hold her closer and run your fingers through her hair in an attempt to calm her yet again.

"I would never leave you.  I love you more than life itself.  I'll never need or want anyone else as long as I have you."

You feel her relax into your arms now, as you both enjoy each other presence in the warm candlelight.

"I love you too. And I trust you, but please, never forget to leave a note again."

You kiss the top of her head gently and hold her tighter.

"I'll never forget again. I promise."

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