The first task

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Doctor pov

It's been 3 days now since I told Texas and lappland to go back it was difficult at first but I managed to have a deal with her


Texas : ne? onii-chan why are the L.G.D is here?

Doctor : Texas little one you need to go back

Texas : Heeeeh!? Why?!?

Doctor : because I need to continue my solo mission okay?

Texas : bu-

Doctor : and you can have me 2 week in your room

Texas : deal....

Inside doctor mind

Doctor then leave Texas and approach one of the L

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Doctor then leave Texas and approach one of the L.G.D operator

Doctor : hey uhh.... I wanna ask where is the chopper

Operator 1 : sir! The chopper is on the route E. T. A 3 minutes

Doctor : ok? I just gonna talk to Texas for a bit

5 minutes later

Texas : ne~ onii~ Chan!

Texas wrapped her hand on doctor body and clung to him

Doctor : o-oi! What are you doing Texas

Texas : I need my daily kiss~

Doctor : I only give you when you still cute lil wolf

Texas : W-what!? Are you say I'm ugly!

Doctor : *chuckle* nah the only thing I see from you are a beautiful woman

And yes you are more cuter when you pout

And yes you are more cuter when you pout

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