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( merry-go-round ! )
002. ━━━━ pretty boy

Walking the paper white halls of the mental hospital was almost nostalgic to Shane, who was used to seeing such buildings which had literally no color on them whatsoever

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Walking the paper white halls of the mental hospital was almost nostalgic to Shane, who was used to seeing such buildings which had literally no color on them whatsoever.

Shane liked painting, he loved filling canvases with color, making them look bright and colorful, a polar opposite to whatever Shane would be feeling inside.

Through the five minutes he had been walking through the long corridor of the hospital taught Shane about two things. 1, the staff are super upbeat and happy for no absolute reason. and 2, the patients here were just like any other people. If you were to look at them and not know anything personal about them, you'd think they were just some normal person going on with their normal life, you wouldn't think they were mentally ill of suffering from a behavioral disorder or something, it made Shane think about his life, how literally anything could be wrong with anyone and you wouldn't know by the first glance.

"You'll be rooming with three others, if you ever feel uncomfortable with anything you can always just tell us" The bubbly nurse explained, Shane only nodded in agreement, glancing over at the door which read: "Room 5".

"Alright you two, this is Shane" She placed a hand on Shane's shoulder, catching the attention of two other boys in the room. "He is our newcomer, make him feel welcome, okay?"

The two boys exchanged glances before nodding, Shane felt a pat on his back before he was left in the doorway, standing there awkwardly whilst the two boys stared at him.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! You're literally so cute what the heck!?" The taller boy jumped up and immediately pulled Shane into a hug, surprising the younger boy, who wasn't expecting this act of affection.

"Daniel, don't scare the poor guy, he looks freaked out" A boy with a calmer voice spoke up, examining the scene with much amusement on his face.

"Oh— right!" The boy with much excitement pulled away from the hug, letting Shane finally breathe. "Anyway! I'm Daniel! That's Xavier! It's nice to meet you Shane, we've been waiting for a new person to come since the last person got discharged!"

Daniel had an excited and energetic personality, whilst Xavier seemed quieter and calmer than the other, quite opposites of each other, Shane noted.

Wait, didn't the nurse say three people?

As if reading his mind, Daniel answered the boys unsaid question. "Micheal also rooms here with us too! He's over by Meadow reading to the kids, so you probably won't be able to meet him yet" He explained, a smile still etched on his face.

A little "oh" escaped Shane's lips as he nodded. Setting his stuff down on the bed closest to the door. "It's nice to meet you too..." He muttered, feeling nervous for absolutely no reason.

"You're quiet like Michael! You two would get along!" Daniel observed, a small smile made its way to Shane's face as he watched the boy start rambling on in excitement, some of his worries already going away.

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