The Deep

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It was a cold, sunday night. You lived right next to the shore. Y/N decided to relax next to the dark, glistening water. You decided to venture deeper into the ocean until Y/N noticed a tentacle tugging on your leg. "W-what?" Y/N yelled. They tried to pull their leg back, but to no avail. Y/N were dragged down deep into the ocean, certain they were going to die. When Y/N opened their eyes, they realized they could breathe under the water.Y/N attempted to swim away as fast as possible to get back to shore. Before morning, however, they were met with a chain around their ankles. Y/N panicked. They tried to find something to break the chain, but were instead greeted by a low, boastful voice. "Greetings, human. or should I say, Squid." A larger squid boasted. A bright light shone on Y/N, As soon as they looked down they noticed they had 8 tentacles.

.           .           .           .         .             .         .       .   Y/N POV      .        .         .        .      .        .         .           .          .         

"Oh god, am I a squid?" Thoughts racing through my head. The larger squid looked down at Y/N. As the massive squid spoke loudly, it announced, "I am Chin-hae." You noticed he had a large, human-like penis. As the squid latches on to me (Y/N), he slid his penis into my hole. "Ngh!~"I moaned loudly. He slid deeper inside my hole,his large dick puncturing my hole. He went faster and rougher,until he cummed. He slid his cock out slowly,his cum covered dick still hard. I panted loudly with tears in my eyes-not in pain,but in enjoyment. He then slid my pants back on my tentacles then dragged me across the ocean swiftly,my thoughts racing. "*Am I going to die?*" "*Will I ever see my house again?" "*Can I never visit my family again?" Each thought I got more nervous.We suddenly stopped at a underwater city full of sea creatures.Mermaids,fishes,squids-you name it. Chin-hae  introduced me too multiple sea critters,all of them being very friendly. "So Chin-hae.." "Hm?" He looked at me with a puzzled look. "Will I ever see land again?Or am I..stuck here?" "This is your land now." He said firmly,looking up into the city. "Ah..well.." "Is there a problem?" He asked with slight concern. "I was going too visit my family very soon,they haven't seen me in ages and I-" He put his tentacle over my mouth. "The townsfolk are your family now,think of it as a fresh start." He said in a calming voice. I hugged him crying,Him comforting me. After a while,I decided too stay the night at his huge,luxorious underwater kingdom. "Wow,you must be really rich!" I said with excitement. "Haha, I am the prince after all." "WHAT??!?!" I yelled,shocked. "Go get some rest,you'll feel better sweets." He said chuckling. My face turned a bright pink,blushing like crazy. I went to my assigned room,suddenly memories of my life on land flooded my mind. I started to cry,but before I could, Chin-hae crept into my room quietly,trying not too startle me. "Hey,I have something too show you." "W-what?" I said,stuttering and sniffling. He touched his necklace and turned into a big,muscular hot merman,and I blushed and smiled a little. "This is my real form-you see only squids can be princes,and the King and Queen brought me in and I had this necklace that turns me into a squid,you see im looking for the next queen and I-" I giggled and hugged him. His eyes relaxed and he hugged me back. "Go get some rest,okay?" He said in his calming voice,touching his necklace turning back into a squid. I nodded and drifted off to sleep.


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