Old Friends

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"Good evening! Thank you for joining the briefing call with us for Hello Saturday. He Lao Shi cannot join the call with us today, and he's really sorry about this." The show writer started.

Different comments telling the production team not to worry about this and that they understood could be heard around the call. And soon after some introductions, the briefing on the show started with the date, time, theme and other details.

Shen Yue was trying to note down on the information discussed. She would be joining as one of the guests again in the show, and surely she's really excited about this. Not to mention, one of the guests this time was one of her favorite idols, Xu Song, and finally meeting Yang Zi jie again.

However, she couldn't help letting out a sigh as her eyes subconsciously scanned through the participants in the call. It's not like she's looking for someone anyway. Luckily, she's not required to turn on her camera, or else people might see the slight frown on her face that she herself also didn't realize when the name she subconsciously looked for was not there.

She turned her attention back to the brief paper in her hand and went through the details while listening to the briefing from the production team.

"And in this segment, the guests will be paired up to sing together and pick one of the participants to continue. The songs will not be disclosed until the show day," the show writer said.

Shen Yue frown when she saw what's written in the brief. Everyone was paired up except her. Her partner was left in blank.

As if sensing her confusion, the writer continued, "and Shen Yue, if you're wondering why your partner was not included in the brief, that's because we were resolving some schedule issues with our cast member. We only got confirmation this morning that he could join the recordings with us again. We think that it would be a great reunion of old friends."

If Shen Yue has not mistaken, she could see a glint of excitement in the write's eyes in the video call as she emphasized on 'old friends'.

'Old friend?' A face suddenly popped in her mind, but she pushed it away. It couldn't be. He didn't even join the call.

As if on cue, the voice she didn't know she would hear again suddenly popped up.

"If I didn't know better, I would have thought that you hate me since you always give me singing segment, Jie."

Shen Yue didn't realize that she was holding her breathe when she heard his voice. When did he join?

"Who knows? I may do, especially since you're even joining this call late," the writer replied back, but everyone here could definitely heard the adoration the writer had for the man she considered to be a younger brother on the set.

"Aiyo! You know I'd be coming late, and I also apologized in advance about this, Jie!" He let out a laugh that could brighten anyone's mood except the girl who was still stunned by his sudden presence.

"Anyway, hello everyone! My name is Wang Hedi. You can call me DiDi. I'm so sorry for joining late. I just got off my flight." Wang Hedi turned on his video to show him sitting in the van and flashed his charming smile before excusing himself to turn it back off since he's still on the road.

Everyone was greeting him back, except Shen Yue. After all, she's not sure what to say to him. Should she just say 'Hi! Long time to see! Or Hi! I didn't expect to see you here!' She was raking through her brain, but couldn't come up with any. Why was it so hard to just say hello? Why was she suddenly so nervous about this?

They used to be so close after filming the Inn, and suddenly all communication died down. Well, that's a lie. She knew why they stopped talking. She was the one who put up the distance first, fearing herself getting closer into the territory that she was scared of. Time surely flied. It's been nearly 3 years already since she last talked with him.

"So yes, Shen Yue, you will be paired with DiDi for the segment. I know that last time you guys broke the internet with your 'Love Confession' performance, and DiDi here keeps crying about the performance, so we want to give him another chance to redeem himself, especially with you. You'd better keep up this time, DiDi." The writer laughed, while Wang Hedi whined about Jie's comment.

Shen Yue tried to laugh at her remark and politely agreed, but her mind was running wild. 'Did he clear his schedule to return back early just for this? Oh come on, Shen Yue, stop imagining things' she slapped herself softly. She's glad this is a virtual meeting, or she's not sure how to react seeing him again. What was she so nervous for? But...was it nervousness...or was it excitement? She couldn't help but wondering if he somehow felt the same?

"Come on, Jie! Shen Yue sings beautifully. She hard-carried me last time, and if I mess up, her part will definitely make up for mine again." Wang Hedi laughed, and others laughed along with his remark.

Shen Yue perked up when she heard her name being mentioned by him. She hadn't heard this for quite some time. She knew he mentioned her from time to time in interviews, not that she kept tap on this. But to hear him directly now still had some strange effect on her.

However, as she digested his words, her expression turned into annoyed. Did he mention that she hard-carried him again?

The sound of notification suddenly interrupted her thoughts. Shen Yue held her breathe when she saw who had private-messaged her. She couldn't recall when was last time that she received a message from him.

"Hello Ah, Shen Lao Shi. Thanks for hard-carried me back then. I'll be in your care again this time. 😉"

'This guy!' she thought. She knew he's joking. And He knew how annoyed she got when he joked this way, yet for no apparent reasons, he always brought this up. As much as she hated to admit it, she also hated the fact that such a simple message threatened to open the pandora box that she had locked up in the past 3 years.

"If you say that again, I'll smack you when we meet, Wang Hedi." She huffed as she clicked sent. She knew she should pay attention to the briefing that was going on, but this guy was picking a fight, and she's not the type to back down.

"Aiyo! As violent as always, Shen Lao Shi. Is this how you respond when people thank you?"

"To annoying person like you, yes" she rolled her eyes, typing her response back to him.

"Aw. This discrimination surely makes me feel special. 😁"

The familiar tightness in her chest that she hadn't felt for a long time emerged again when she read his last message. Was it because of how annoyed she was with him? Yes, she certainly hoped so.

"That's it. I'll definitely smack you when we meet."

"I'll need to ask He Lao Shi to have medical staffs standby just in case."

She couldn't help but chuckled, as she read. 'This guy and his antic haven't changed huh'

Another Ping signaled another upcoming message. She paused after reading it, not sure how to reply to that. The tightness in her chest squeezed a little more, and she's not sure why. After trying to push away the thoughts, she decided not to respond back to him, and turned her attention back to the briefing that was about to wrap up.

Little did she know, the corner of her mouth curved up. Even if she didn't admit it, she somehow missed this kind of bickers they once had. Even if she didn't want to admit it, she also looked forward to the recording. Maybe it's not too bad to meet an 'old friend' after all.

As she closed down her laptop after noting down the recording details and bidding everyone goodbye in the virtual meeting, a glimpse of his last message could be seen.

"But I'll definitely look forward to that, Shen Lao Shi." It read.

A/N: I think I lost counts on how many time I rewatched that episode of Hello Saturday. 😅 this shot got inspired by the 'fact' that they haven't met for 3 years. Whether it's the case, only they can know. But sometimes in life, we do lose touch with those we once hold dear, and sometimes all we need is the chance to reconnect, and everything will fit back as if distance never happened.

P.S: Let's support Shen Yue's Mr Bad! 😉

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