Dystopian Realm

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*Poppy was locked inside of a cage hanging from the air with one of her legs chained to one of the bars with several others trolls locked in cages too*

Poppy (frightened): What's going on...where am I?

???: You're in the dystopian realm

Poppy: Dystopian realm?! wh- why?

Random Funk Troll: Isn't it obvious? dystopiar captured you and is forcing you to be here against your will

Poppy: What?! N- no! I gotta get out of here! *starts rocking her cage back and forth*

???: Hey hey easy calm down, you're gonna hurt yourself if you do that

Random Rock troll: The last time someone did that, dystopiar fed them to his shadow hawks and boy was it not a pretty sight to see

Poppy: *Gasps softly* So...what you're saying is...I'm trapped here...forever?

Random Techno troll: Sadly yes

Poppy: B- but I'm not meant to be here! I have a daughter and she could be worried sick!

???: Really...that's- that's pretty horrible having being torn from your daughter like that...

Poppy: Who are you?

Skylar: My name is Skylar but they call me "Pretty boy"

Skylar: When a new prisoner is taken here, they're stripped of their real names and given nicknames...

Random classical troll: Like you Princess

Poppy: My name is Poppy, not Princess!

Skylar: Really...because the cuff around your ankle says otherwise

*Poppy looks down at her leg and sees the nickname "Princess" engraved on the cuff*

Poppy: so...this means...I'm never gonna get out of here...and I'll never see my dad or molly again?

*Skylar nods yes*

*Poppy slides down the bars and hides her face in her knees as she began to sob*

Skylar: Hey it's not the end of the world, sometimes you'll be let out of your cage

Poppy (sobbing): I don't care, I want to go home! I want my friends and my dad and molly...and branch

Skylar: Who's branch?

Poppy: *sniffles and wipes a tear off her face* He's my best friend...

Dystopian guard: Hey *bangs on poppy's cage* princess! dystopiar wants to speak with you

Poppy: I'm not talking to that scumbag after he took everything from me

*Then the dystopian guard takes the chain off poppy's ankle cuff and forcefully drags her to dystopiar's castle*

Poppy: Hey! Get your hands off of me! let me go!


*Poppy flinches fearfully and remains silent as the guard continues to drag her to the castle*

*In the throne room*

*Dystopiar looks upon his realm with an evil smile*

Dystopian guard: Your majesty...I have princess here for you

Dystopiar: Good...just leave her here

*The dystopian guard throws poppy onto the ground and leaves*

Dystopiar: Hello Princess...

Poppy: Why are you doing this...what did I ever do to you?

Dystopiar: Well, your child...she tried to stop my reign of terror...so now she must suffer the consequences by having who she loves most taken by her worst enemy...that person of course? Her poor...desfenseless mother...

Dystopiar: Now the hour has come at last

Dystopiar: The soft and fading light

Dystopiar: Has crossed the west horizon

Dystopiar: And has bidden us goodnight

Dystopiar: And what a lovely night it is

Dystopiar: To walk a moonlit field

Dystopiar: To see the softer shades

Dystopiar: That are by starlight now revealed

Dystopiar: So why is it that now

Dystopiar: When all is quiet and at rest

Dystopiar: When candles glow and all the world

Dystopiar: Is at its very best

Dystopiar: The trolls of from above

Dystopiar: Should lock themselves away

Dystopiar: To shun the chaos and wait instead

Dystopiar: For just worthless songs?

Dystopiar: Am I so wrong to wish that they

Dystopiar: Would see things like I do?

Dystopiar: And am I so wrong to think

Dystopiar: That they might love me too?

Dystopiar: Why shouldn't they adore me?

Dystopiar: Is it not within my right?

Dystopiar: I'll not be overshadowed!

Dystopiar: Mine is not the lesser light!

Dystopiar: I've waited long enough now

Dystopiar: For them all to come around

Dystopiar: And though the Trolls may plead and threaten

Dystopiar: This tribe will stand its ground!!

*Poppy could only watch in horror as more darkness enters dystopiar's body until he has gained giant shadow wings*

Dystopiar: It comes to this at last I will no longer stay in this realm

Dystopiar: If they cannot love our chaos like their songs

Dystopiar: See the chaos is rising, he has come to claim all troll kingdom for his own

Dystopiar: And all will know the wonder

Dystopiar: Of the dark and cursed king

Dystopiar: When all the world is wrapped in an eternal chaos

Dystopiar: *Grabs poppy by her hair* So say goodnight to this! the final notes of music

Dystopiar: Tomorrow dawns in darkness

Dystopiar: THE ANARCHY'S BEGUN!!!!!!!

*Dystopiar throws poppy onto the ground*

Dystopiar: And now it's time for the final part of my plan *starts approaching poppy*

Poppy (frightened): W- what are you gonna do to me?

Dystopiar: You shall see...guards! take her to my dungeon

*The guards nod and grab poppy and begin to drag her to dystopiar's dungeon*


*Dystopiar waves goodbye with a malicious grin*

Dystopiar: *chuckles evilly* Stupid girl...

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