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Soo Hin's outfit👆



I stood , speechless, staring at him like a dumb person. What was the point in any reaction? They had every right to demand it. The grace period I got was enough. I did not make a sound , I did not react , just let my heartbeat continue to accelerate, there was ringing in my ears that wouldn't go away.

"Why am I not surprised ?"

Show us...stop hiding your face like a coward and show us ".

"Do you know what you did? Do you know the consequences of your actions and what it has cost Yoongi hyung? Do you even care? Because of you, he's like this. All his schedules need to be on a hold until he recovers, our tour had to be postponed".

The words of his band mate rang through my head. I still recalled that hatred ,that hatred filled eyes that stared into my soul.

I shuddered.

How many of those looks will I be tolerating if I waltzed into that building tomorrow.

"Soo Hin"

I heard Yoongi call , carefully walking over to me. "I'm ...."

"No " I cut him off absentmindedly. "Don't apologize" I smiled ,half heartedly. "Please. I'm ok, I want to meet them . I'm fine "

I forced a smile , plastering on a happy face. Yoongi stopped before me, staring into my eyes intensely. Looking down at my clenched hands, he slowly held onto them with his hand. "You're shaking..... You don't have to pretend to me. I feel you Soo Hin. I'm the only one you shouldn't lie to about how you feel "

He tells me lowly. I lower my head and he places his finger under my chin , lifting it up . " Don't be scared , I'll be there "

I smile , the fear simmering away at the contact and the feel of fire works that courses through me. "I know Yoongi , I trust you "

Yoongi gives my have soft squeeze , letting go. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders , hugging him. The bond began buzzing with life , the fireworks sizzling under my skin at ever contact with him. I could feel it , the pleasurable throb behind my neck where the soulmark laid.

His arms slowly but carefully encircled my middle , pulling me tighter into him. I smiled. He's here , so I'm not afraid of being alone anymore. Because I had him , I was never going to be alone, that was a fact.


I entered my apartment , pulling the hood off my head. My body sagged into the couch. I began to tremble as tears filled my eyes , the sobs threatening to get louder.

Here I was ,back again ,without anything , without him. The memory of my departure from that peaceful lake house which was beginning to feel like home flashed through my mind.

When I woke up in the morning , Yoongi sat behind the table,his face buried in his hands . From his outfit ,the cap and the mask , it made it obvious, we had to leave.

"They are here ....."

He said , slowly standing on his feet "and we are not going together"

I Feel Your Pain!(Min.Yoongi )Soulmate Au Where stories live. Discover now