Chapter 1 - Ailse

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"Need anything else?" He asked, his Irish accent making itself known. "No dear" A fairly aged, feminine voice said weakly. Liam's mother had never been known as the lazy type. She'd always been up doing something. Whether it be cleaning, working, or taking care of him. Now, she had been bedridden. Liam felt as though someone had come in and turned his life around. He was the one caring for her.

"Any word on her condition?" The deep voice called through the phone's speaker. "Father, according to the doctors she's got Ailse. They don't think she'll be here much longer." Liam spoke, his voice beginning to break towards the end of his sentence. "I can't lose her" he continued. "I know, son." Patrick said softly.

Liam Byrne
Closing the door to mother's bedroom, I made my way to my own. Thoughts rushing through my head. I climbed into bed and closed my eyes. Every night I'd gotten this nagging feeling that mother wouldn't wake up. Every night I'd tried to push it out of my mind. Every night it would return to torment me. By now I've decided to let it stay. I'm too fearful of the thought becoming reality. Maybe if it does I'll be ready. No. How could I? How could anyone prepare themselves for something like this? I felt my eyelids weighing heavy. Pretty soon, I'd be engulfed in a deep slumber.
Well, I had been. Though now, as the shattering of glass filled my mind, I'd awakened. Mother. I sat up on the bed, setting my feet on the floor. Standing, I could feel my heart racing. I rushed to mother's room, heading inside. I released a long sigh of relief. She'd knocked her glass off the nightstand. "I'm sorry Liam, I'll clean it up you don't have to." She said, climbing out of bed. I panicked, she wasn't well enough to stand let alone clean up glass from the floor. "No mother, it's ok. I'll take care of it, just get some rest." I could tell by the look on her face she felt guilty. I honestly didn't mind cleaning up the glass. Afterall, it's the least I could do after everything she's done for me in the past. I went to get the broom and dustpan. Returning to her room, I got a start on cleaning up the glass. Mother began coughing uncontrollably. The first time this had happened, I'd panicked and immediately attempted to help her get all the coughing over with. Hence the glass of water on her nightstand. I'd learned to keep one there in case this incident had taken place again. Once I had been sure there hadn't been a single shard left, I kissed mother goodnight. "Oh, I almost forgot. Father Is coming in soon" I said before turning to leave. "Liam, could you take me to the living room? I'd sleep a bit better there." Mother said, stopping me. "Of course." I replied respectfully, turning to help her out of bed and walking her to the living room.
I awoke to the singing of the birds, calling out to each other in hopes of finding their lifelong partner. That brought back memories of mother and father. I'd really hoped they would've made it further in their relationship. They seemed as if they would. Anyone outside the family could've never told what had been going on with them. I heard the doorbell ring, tearing me from my thoughts. This soon? I thought. I went to the door, fully expecting father to be there. Opening the door, my rough looking face, messy hair, and eye bags under my dull green eyes have been greeted with a soft smile and a basket of flowers. "I've come to check on Kelsea." Mothers friend, Liz, said to me. "Of course, right this way" I said, stepping to the side to let her pass. Together, we made our way to the living room, where mother has been stirring in her sleep. "Mother." I whispered softly. Her, somewhat faded, green eyes slowly opened. "Someone's here to see you." I continued. "Liz!" she exclaimed through an exhale. "I brought you some flowers." Liz said, smiling brightly. "Ohhh my favorites" My mother said with, for the first time in a good bit, genuine happiness. Out of nowhere, she started her coughing fit again.

Kelsea Byrne
Something is wrong with me. Never in my 60 years had I seen something like this other than pneumonia. Directly behind my left lung has been burning. I couldn't stop coughing. I often feel as though I can't breathe. I'm always out of breath, no matter how little the labor is that I'm putting my body through. I felt it in my back. I seemed to be getting a bit larger, too. Liam is acting different around me, as if I would reach over and tear his head from his shoulders. Pushing all of these thoughts aside, I refocused myself back to Liz. She'd come to see me. She brought my favorite flowers! That's another thing too, Liz had come to see me and she seems to be acting different. Patrick had been coming too. We'd never been on good terms. Ever! Once we got married it had been constant war in our home. After we had Liam, it got worse. Finally, it got to the point where we had to divorce. I hear he's going for the younger women now. The old wrinkly snake. Actually though, I need to focus on Liz. I'm being awfully rude.

"Bye Liz" I said as we hugged our goodbyes. "Bye Kelsea, I hope you start to feel better!" She said. Me too. I thought. I watched as her and Liam hugged. She'd started towards the door before turning back to face Liam and I. "I almost forgot!" She exclaimed, reaching in her bag. She retracted her hand, and in it, a white envelope, with swirls of slightly darker glitter. I felt tears draw to my eyes. Blinking them away, I opened the envelope to see a fancy, pink card with multiple names and quotes written inside. At this, more tears swelled to my eyes, before streaming down my face. Liz hugged me once more, and this time she continued out the door without stopping. That's when I got this awful feeling in my chest that I would never see her again.

Patrick Byrne
I must be getting pretty close by now. I had tied ties with my girlfriend. Well- ex. With all this going on it would be just too much to keep her. That's when it hit me. All at once. Guilt and sadness washed over me like a flood. Wiping out all the emotional walls I had built to keep those specific feelings away. I'd cheated on her and then when she needed me most, I fled. Leaving her and my son, Liam. When I see her I'll apologize. Yes, that's what I'll do. She'll forgive me. I thought. Though it had been more of a question than a comment. With that hope, I pressed my foot down a bit more, feeling the car accelerate under the pressure of my foot. The sooner I get there, the better. Ailse? That thought seemed so distant. I couldn't bare to think of it any longer. I only want to remember the good moments. I want to cherish her.
When I got there, I had been shocked. She was far from healthy. My word, she didn't even look human. I hadn't gotten the chance to speak to her yet, she's been asleep ever since I arrived. I could see the hurt in Liam's eyes. Though I don't believe anyone outside a selective few would be able to notice it. I decided I should probably go to sleep too. "Well, Liam, I'd best go find a hotel to stay at for a while." I said. "Just stay here dad." He said, not even looking at me. He brushed a hand through his dirty blonde hair. I looked in his other hand to see what caused the lack of attention shot towards me. Papers. I froze, and it felt as though my blood did too. The paper in my view read;

Prudential Life Insurance

Benefits: The main reason to have life insurance is because you want your loved ones to receive money after you die. But that's only part of the story.
With some policies, you can...

That small bit of information had been about all I could see. The worried look on Liam's face rattled me to my core. I cringe as a disturbing metallic taste fills my mouth. I'd, out of stress, bitten far too hard into the soft tissue on the inside my jaw. There's no way she's this bad. At that moment, a loud series of coughs and huffs erupted from the living room, as if to mawk me.

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