ch 1; now we got problems.

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Beverly dialed a number in on her phone, and it rang.

Over. And. Over.

Richie didn't want to pick up. Not after what happened.

- - -

School flew by quickly, somehow. The losers were to go to the quarry to hang out later.

As Richie approached, he saw everyone was already there. He decided he'd scare the shit out of them, because he was given the perfect opportunity.

So, he hid behind a large rock and listened for the perfect time to jump out and scream. But, it never came. Instead, a conversation started up and Richie had wished he never heard it.

"Hey, Eddie, I'm gonna tell you something, and you guys can listen to. Just.. don't tell Richie I told you, k? You didn't hear it from me," Beverly explains, and Richie raises an eyebrow.

'Why wouldn't she want me to know it was her? Well, what was her. What was she referring to?' Richie thought, shifting a bit to get a better listen.

"Uh, alright?" Eddie said.

He heard Beverly sigh.

"So, Richie has been keeping this from you. All of you. For a long time. And, I feel the need to tell you before he chickens out."

Richie felt a shiver get sent down his spine. He trusted Beverly with every secret, he didn't know which one she was about to share, but he knew it couldn't be good.

"Just get to the point, Bev," Stanley announced, and Beverly did so.

"Richie likes you, Eddie. A lot. Like, he describes to me how perfect you are in everything you do every day."

Richie's face fell flat, and he felt tears burn the back of his eyes. Why the fuck did she just say that?!

"What?!" Eddie exclaimed. "No. That's gross. I don't like boys. And I especially don't like Richie like that." The smaller boy scoffed and Richie felt a tear trickle down his cheek.

He wiped it away furiously, wanting so horribly to pop out and reveal himself to his fellow betrayers.

"What? Richie likes boys? That's.. uh.." Ben said.

"Weird," he heard Bill mumble, and Beverly chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess."

Richie nearly burst into tears at this. They were the losers. They weren't supposed to judge each other like this.

"God, for fucks sake," Eddie said, rubbing his eyes. "How could I like him? He's so fucking annoying, and thinks he's actually funny whenever he says those 'your mother' jokes. It's not funny. It's annoying as hell."

"Noo, shocker," Beverly laughed.

That hurt.

Really, really bad.

"Guys, I don't think-" Mike started, just to be cut off by an annoyed Eddie.

"And he's also just some asshat attention seeker! He's always so fucking loud and I get a headache whenever I'm around him!"

"Eddie, stop," Mike said in a calming voice.

"What? Don't you guys agree?" Eddie asked, looking around.

"Oh, we do. No doubt. I guess Mike doesn't, though," Stanley said.

"Yeah, I don't, because I enjoy Richie," Mike said.

'Thank you, Mike.'

He heard someone sigh and click their tongue.

"Oh poor Mike. You'll see how annoying that boy is soon, just, don't tell him anything we're saying, k? That'd be pretty shitty," Eddie said.

Richie wanted so badly to stand up and say 'you know what is pretty shitty? talking about your friend like that "behind their back".'

He didn't. But he wished he had enough courage to do so.

"I won't, I just don't agree. That's all," Mike mumbled.

Beverly laughed and they continued ranting about Richie, causing more tears to roll down his red face.

"I hope he doesn't come today, honestly," Eddie said. That broke Richie's heart, and that's when he knew he had had it with these assholes.

"Yeah? Too fucking late for that now, isn't it?" Richie announced, standing up.

"Wha- Were you eavesdropping?!" Eddie yelled.

"I think I have the right to eavesdrop when my so called fucking 'friends' are talking this much shit behind my back. I mean seriously, how much of assholes do you all have to be?!"

"What? We can't help that you're annoying!" Eddie exclaimed, standing up.

"You think I can? I know I'm fucking annoying. I tell myself that every day. I didn't need a reminder from my friends," Richie said sadly.

"And lover," Beverly added.

Richie's mouth was open as he stared at her. He felt tears pour out of his eyes.

"Yeah, and that- that, that is disgusting! I don't like boys, and I especially don't like you!" Eddie said. "Leave us alone, Trashmouth."

That was Richie's breaking point.

"Yeah. See you all in hell, you fucking traitors."

Richie turned and began to walk away, crying silently as he walked.

"Wait, Rich!" he heard Mike call from behind him, but he didn't stop. He kept walking, grabbing his bike and biking away.

Eddie breathed out and sat back down.


- - -

Richie didn't understand why Beverly was calling. She was being an asshole. He never wanted to see her or hear her talk ever again. He couldn't.

He heard a knock on his bedroom door, which soon opened to a man.

"Hey, Rich," Wentworth said, walking over to him after closing his door and taking a seat on his bed. "Are you okay?"

Richie looked away, sniffing.

"Come here," Went said, bringing Richie into a hug.

Richie sobbed into Went's embrace, hugging him back with a tight, firm grip. He didn't want to let go. It all hurt so, so much.

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