dinner with the larusso's

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(Y/ns pov)

WAKE UP!!!!! miguel yells. NO! you yell back. PLEASE Y/N!!! THE LARUSSO'S INVITED US FOR DINNER! he yells. IM NOT GOING! you yell back. MOMMMMM! miguel yells. Y/N DIAZ! your mom yells. Oh shit she got the slipper to😰. Y/n diaz, you are going to that dinner! She says. But- she cuts you off by holding her slipper like she's about to throw it at you. OKAY okay okay! I'll get ready. You say with a nervous smile. Miguel smiling leaning against the door frame. BITCH GO AWAY SO I CAN CHANGE! okay:). That was way to easy wtf. Yoy get dressed Into this

(But without the white thing)

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(But without the white thing)

You get into the car. You and miguel are talking about the dinner. Okay so the reason I really wanted you to go is because, Sam has a brother his name is-
You cut him off. Hold on. Sam has a brother? You say YES NOW IF YOU WOULD LET ME FINISH! he says laughing. His name is anthoney and he's around the same age as you. You roll your eyes. Really miguel? Yes really he replies. You roll your eyes again. Alright that's enough were here, y/n behave, miguel no kids. You mom announces. WT- miguel starts but you cover his mouth laughing. You knock on the door you and miguel still laughing. Sam opens the door. You both start trying not to laugh. You wisper in Miguel's ear "try not to have any kids miguel" he punches you in the arm and you both start laughing. Hey Sam! you say still laughing. Hey y/n! She replies. Hold on let me just call my brother down. She says. ANTHONEY! COME HERE! Sam yells. COMING! he yells back. you hear a door open and close. He starts coming down the stairs.
What do you ne- he stops as he sees you. His eyes widen you look him directly in the eyes. Hey. You say. Uh hey, I'm anthoney he says slowly walking twards you. You can see miguel and Sam smiling at eachother. He's standing infront you, your not far from eachother. Uh do you wanna hang out in my room until dinners ready? He asks. Uh yeah sur- your interpreted by an excited Sam and miguel. YES! they both scream pushing you both up the stairs into anthoneys room. Miguel pushes you last. Knocking you into anthoney. You fall on top of him. Nice one Sam say smiling at miguel and high fiveing him. They slam the door and lock you in. We'll let you out when dinners ready. You lay there for about a minute calling life a bitch. Hey, yk your still on top of me right? Anthoney says. Uhhhhhh- you panic. It's fine. I was just reminding you. He laughs and smiles. You get up. You and anthoney talk for about an hour. You both fall back on his bed. I'm so tired rn. You both say. You Remember something tory told you about flirting back when she was with miguel. "Look him directly in the eyes. It gives them butterflies" -tory
you decide to try it. You look anthoney in the eyes. He blushes. What school do ou go to? He asks. Uhm I'm homeschooled, I was bullied alot when I was At an acual school. You reply. Well you should go to my school I can protect you. He says. I'd do anything to be protected by you, you say jokingly and wink. He blushes hard. Stoop doing that! You both laugh. Why? You say. Because. He replies. Cuzzzz??? You reply. I get a weird feeling in my stomach when you do. He says very quietly. It's called butterflies. You reply.
Yeah whatever. He says.

( sorry this part was so long but there's a part 2 where they acually have dinner)

647 words

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