Not as it seems

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Me, lexi and the boys sat in the pizzeria chatting in till closing time. We exchanged numbers with lexi so we would be able hang out again. Just before lexi was about to leave she looked at me and smiled "good luck". "For what" I asked confused. "Zayn" she said before winking and walking out before I could respond. That's how she was, she always got the last word.

Louis turned to me "why would she say that?" He asked and raised an eyebrow. "Well you know, dealing with zayn and his heart break and stuff" I said smoothly, I always had been a good liar.

Louis nodded buying it.

We all walked out and got into the limo

"Hey do you guys want to come over to my flat and watch movies or something?" Liam asked "thanks, but i should go home, I already feel bad enough from leaving zayn there alone and heart broken all day"

Liam nodded understandably "alright but I'm going to stop by later to see if I can do anything"

The limo drove up to my flat. I got up waving to the boys before walking up to the door. I was just about to reach into my pocket to grab my key when the door burst open. Zayn stood there clutching the doorknob as if it was the only thing keeping him from collapsing, he looked terrible, his eyes were blood shot and rimmed with red, his usually neat hair was a mess and was sticking up in all different directions. Just looking at him made my heart break into a million tiny pieces. "Your finally back" he said as he threw his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged him back "yeah and I don't think I'm going to be leaving again for a while".

Zayn pulled away and tried his best to smirk "no I'm fine you don't have to babysit me" he said trying to sound like he was mocking me, but he sounded shakey and unsure, kinda like when you first teach a toddler to ice skate.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head "nope, I'm not leaving your side until I'm sure your better" I said hopeing I didn't sound like an overprotective parent, is this how Liam usually feels? I mean he's not exactly daddy direction or whatever but he is the most responsible out of all of us and is the most reliable in situations.

Zayn rolled his eyes but something told me he was secretly happy, that's weird.


The limo dropped me off at my flat, it was actually mine and Harry's flat but Harry didn't really sleep, eat or live here anymore, at least not after he became a total man whore and started fucking like 3 girls a day, and the worst part is they are just normal fan girls that Harry leads on, he makes them think they have a chance with him and once a girl thinks that what would stop her from sleeping with him on the first day of their "relationship". I mean he is Harry fucking styles, everyone wants him, including me. Well kinda, I want the sweet, nice Harry styles that was considerate of girls and was amazing and wonderful, not the Harry styles that is a alcoholic and a heavy smoker and a slut that would fuck anything that moves. But anyway after the girls give Harry what he wants he laughs, he actually fucking laughs at them. Then he tells them how stupid they were to just let him fuck them and that he is teaching them a lesson on not to sleep around. I guess he doesn't understand the expression practice what you preach. After his "lesson" he leaves the girl there crying and begging for him not to leave, saying they love him. I bet your wondering how I know all of this. Well lets just say I was one of those "girls"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2013 ⏰

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