im perfect.

6 1 2

i want to be fucking perfect

i wanna be the best

but i know im not

i wish i could be fucking better

maybe i would see myself well

or maybe i'd still feel like shit

i'd do anything to achieve perfection

but i know i'll never be perfect

i try my hardest

its never enough

i want to be someone

to myself and to anyone

but i dont even feel like a someone

i feel idiotic

im a fucking wreck

i wanna be good for something

but i know i'll never be able to

i wish i had the perfect self-esteem

i wanna feel good about myself

i wanna feel perfect

but no,

i cant

i just feel like a nobody

a waste

i feel imperfect

(now explanation for the little title thingy: kind of like a play on words and so just remove the space like "im perfect" to "imperfect" and yeah so there 😇😇😇😇)

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