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Wow, even though i haven't updated in so long, people still read this book. I am very surprised; I thought this book wasn't that good. This was just me talking about ships I personally thought was good. I just thought that this book was going to be some joke, but it isn't anymore. When I first started it, it was in my Cuphead phase, nothing too special. I liked some of the ships and wanted to tell what ships I supported and not.  

Now this book, is more than that. I explained so much, but my opinions changed. This book isn't some simple joke, I actually like this now. I even read through some of the parts to this, the comments and everything. This book is now actually something useful for me. Thank you all, the Cuphead fans, the Country Ball fans, the OSC fans, etc. 

I am just so proud of myself for building up to this much. It's almost how much views I had gotten on my DA account, 1.7k page views. And that's impressive, this book wasn't out for a year compared to my DA account, it has been out for more than a year. Man did 2022 roll so fast. I mean I remember just dreaming to have a good number of readers, and now here I am, 1.6k views. 

Thank you, guys, for putting up with me for so long, I doubt I can love myself at this point. It's kind of hard now to love myself, everything is getting out of hand for me. I mean, i found out so much about me, it sorts of scares me since it's so unpredictable. Things change for the better or worse, but I personally don't know at this point. I don't know if I am okay...?

Well now, I may not update this book for a while. I am going be busy on other stuff. I may go back and rewrite all of this, just to improve on this overall. Make this a bit longer at least, try a bit harder than this first time.  There is a lot of things I can improve on this not going to lie, and I am going to remake this book cover and everything.

For everyone who stuck onto this, thank you so much. I really mean it, and I need this support right now. I have changed, and I don't have much motivation at all, and I am deeply sorry guys, for not updating this book, in general or any of my other books at this point.  I hope that maybe, just maybe, I can get motivation for once.

Have a good evening and I love all of you guys!

-Sketchbook The Animator-

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