Chapter 18: Company

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Quinn's POV

I stayed in de shower for what felt like hours. I kept hoping, thinking, and praying to return to the right universe. I just wanted to go back so badly.

Eventually, I had to get out as my skin started to show excessive water use. As I was drying myself off, I let out a deep breath, knowing I was still in my universe. Knowing, I was still here... It hurt.

I got dressed and walked back to my room. I let myself fall back on my bed, I let out another deep breath and just stared at the ceiling. Maybe I just have to move on? Perhaps I must be thankful for what I got in the other universe and move on now?

I was taken aback by a knock on my bedroom door. "Yes?" I said without getting up.

The door opened. "Uhm, Quinn," Sasha said, but I still didn't make an attempt to actually look at her. Why should I? I was good here, processing my loss. "Quinn?"

I sighed, she wanted my full attention... I sat up and gulped. In my room was no other than Uma. Slowly I got back up to be on her eye level. I gulped again as I watched her.

She looked at me, she seemed unsure. "Hi, Quinn."

I gulped again, why did my mouth suddenly get so dry? "H-Hi, Uma."

She looked me up and down, seemingly checking me out. Her eyes landed back on mine. "Sasha invited me," She said, motioning to Sasha who was also in the room. "She thought we could talk."

For a second I glanced at Sasha before looking back at Uma. I slowly nodded. "I'd like that."

Uma nodded before looking at Sasha. "Thanks." She said softly, smiling afterwards.

Sasha nodded and looked at me. She showed me a small smile before leaving the room. on her way out, she closed the door.

Now it was just the two of us, in my room. My heart started beating faster, just because she was so close to me. I wanted to say so much but nothing seemed to come out. And seriously, why was my mouth so dry?

Uma seemed to catch on that I wasn't going to say much, she looked around. Slowly, she walked around too. "Nice room." She said, trying to make small talk.

"T-Thanks." I looked at her go around my room. It's odd how I couldn't take my eyes off, as if they were obsessed with her too.

Suddenly she stopped. She let out a breath before looking at me. "I didn't know you were into video games," She said as she sat on the ground, looking at the games I had. "These are great!"

I smiled and slowly made my way to her. I looked at the games she was watching. She was going through them all, most of which I knew she loved in the other universe. "Maybe we can play them together?"

She looked at me. "Yeah, that'd be great."

As we were playing them, we made small talk. Just like in the other universe, it all seemed to go smoothly. There were no awkward silences anymore. We were really enjoying ourselves. And Uma was still good at video games. The smile on her face when she beat me... It was priceless.

I got up as we ended yet another game. I looked around, at all the games I had. I gulped and took my backpack. I felt Uma's eyes follow my every move. I took it out of my backpack and gulped before turning around. "I bought this one today," I walked to her and showed her the video game I got. "It's a new one."

Uma took the game from me and looked at it. Immediately, I saw her face lit up. "This is that new RPG game," She looked at me for a bit before looking back at the game. "I've been wanting to get this one too."

"I know," I said without thinking. She looked at me, clearly wondering what my response meant. "I mean," I gulped. "I know it's a good one," I chuckled nervously. "I thought maybe we could play it together."

Uma smiled immediately. "For real?"

I nodded.

Her smile got bigger. "I'll beat you."

"No way," I said as I walked to the TV. "This time, I'll win." I said and got the game ready. I then walked back to the bed to sit down next to her. 

"Game on." She said and smiled, looking at the TV. I could tell she was really excited.


At some point, Uma had to get going. As I was collecting everything, she was standing there, waiting for me.

"We should do this again." I carefully said, not looking at her. I was a bit worried she'd turn me down.

She let out a breath. "I'm not sure how Justin would feel about me meeting up with his girlfriend."

Instantly I turned to her. "Girlfriend?"

She looked at me. "Yeah." She crossed her arms, seemingly getting defensive.

"I'm not his girlfriend," I got up, being on her eye level. "He wished I was."

She chuckled.

"No," I shook my head. "I'm not into idiots."

She chuckled more.

I looked at her. "Besides," I gulped. "I've already set my eyes on someone else." I whispered that last part.

As if she caught on, she looked down. And I was pretty sure I saw a blush. "I uhm," She cleared her throat. "I should get going."

I slowly nodded. "I'll walk you out."

"How polite of you," She smiled at me and followed me down the stairs. "Next time, I'll take my games too. I've got some good ones."

"I know," I once again said too quickly. "I mean," I gulped. "I bet you do."

She chuckled until we got downstairs. Her smile dropped.

I watched from her to the living room. "Justin?"

Justin stepped forward. "Quinn," He looked at Uma. "I see you've got company?"

I looked from Uma to Justin and gulped.

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