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Thursday, February 25, 1986

"William Byers, I am pleased to finally say that we have changed you into an art class." The principal of Lenora Hills High, Andrea Southers, said as he sat down across from Will. "One of the kids in the art class moved away."

(This is my story and the principal is going to be an amazing Black woman who's good at her job)

"Oh my god, thank you, miss. So much." Will said. "I've been waiting on this for months."

"I know. I'm sorry that it took so long." She said, putting a hand on her chest. "I tried seeing if we could just squeeze you in the class despite there no being enough seats, but Mr. King said that he wasn't completely comfortable with it."

"It's fine, I completely understand. Thank you so much again, Ms. Southers."

"Miss Andrea. That's what the students call me, or at least the ones I like anyways." She said. Will laughed and made his way to class, hoping El was already there.

When she wasn't, Will muttered an 'oh shit' and sat down at their table. A few minutes later, Will saw his sister walk in, a fake smile on her face. She was also soaking wet.

"Jane?" He stood up and ran over to her. "Jane, what happened?"

"Oh," Angela giggled. "She just...slipped." Her and her friends busted out laughing and left. Els fake smile dropped and she look sad and tired.

Her hair and dress and undershirt were all soaked. She looked up at Will and took a breath. "Do you have any clothes?" She asked shakily. Will nodded and grabbed his bag.

"Yeah. Yeah, I have my gym clothes but I don't have gym anymore. They finally gave me art." He grabbed her arm and they began to leave.

"What about class?" El asked, following her brother.

"It's fine. I'm sure mom and Hop won't be mad after we explain."

They walked to the bathroom and Will waited outside for El to change. He was sitting in the floor and drawing in his sketch book.

"Will? Are you skipping class?" Johnathan asked as he and Argyle walked towards the door that went outside.

"Uhhh" Will said, not knowing what to say.

"Thank you for the clothes, Will." El said, walking out. Will stood up and looked at his brother and friend.

"Look like we're all skipping class, bros! Come on, let's go outside." Argyle pushed passed everyone and went out the door. Everyone shrugged and followed him.

The four of them were standing against Argyles van, Johnathan and Argyle smoked. "What happened?" Johnathan asked.

"Some bullies dumped a bunch of water on El so we skied s she could change." Will said.

"Bullies? I didn't know you were getting bullied." Johnathan said.

"Yeah that is so not cool!" Argyle exclaimed. "We need like an invention."

"A what? Dude...no." Johnathan said confused. "The hell are you even talking about?"

"I think he means an intervention." Will said.

"Ohhhhhhhhh." Johnathan and Argyle said. After that nobody talked. Will saw a tall boy with loosely curled blonde hair being escorted by the school security. Behind him, being escorted by the gym coach, was Angela's boyfriend.

Will didn't recognize the first boy, but from where he was standing the boy was attractive looking. But from the way Angela's boyfriend looked, the boy had just fought him and won.
They didn't get caught skipping that class, but Will didn't want to chance missing his next one. Plus it was his first art class.

When he got to the door, the teacher greeted him with a smile and walked him to his seat. The class had 16 people if you counted Will. 4 people to a table. His table had a girl with long, brown hair and green eyes. She was laughing and talking to the girl next to her. The girl had brown eyes and wavy blonde hair.

"Lori, Jen," The teacher said, walking Will over. "This is William. He'll be sitting with you for the rest of the year." Will sat down across from the brown haired girl.

"Just Will is fine, sir." Will said, adjusting himself in the seat. The teacher nodded.

"Lori, where is your brother? I could have sworn I saw him earlier."  The teacher said. He had a slight British accent.

"I don't know where he is." Lori shrugged.

"Did all of you make it to school?"

"Yes, sir. I'm sure he'll be here." And then the bell rung. The teacher shut the door and began talking about something to do with the weekend.

"Hey, Will," Jen said. "I heard what Angela did to your sister. That was really rude of her."

"Yeah, is she okay? She looked a little upset." Lori said, looking at Will.

"Oh, um, yeah she's fine. I gave her my gym clothes." Will answered. "Thanks for asking about her."

"No problem. Are they always like that to her?" Jen asked. Will nodded slightly. "Does she have any friends? Either of you really."

"We have friends back home, but none here. Unless you count our older brothers friend." Will answered.

"How about you guys hang out with us?" Lori offered with a smile. "It's us, my two brothers Chris and Sam, and our friends Carlos and Michelle."

"Yeah, that sounds nice." Will nodded with a smile.

The three of them joked around and got to know each other better. Lori had two brothers who were a year older and were twins. She also had a younger sister who was 7. She lived with her siblings and grandparents on the street right next to Wills. She likes to read and is on the swim team.

Jen had no siblings and lived with her single father and dog. She moved here from New York 3 years ago. She loves to dance and is fluent in 3 languages.

Class only had 10 minutes left when the door opened. The boy who opened it was the same one Will had seen earlier.

"Mr. Hollingsworth! Pleasure to have to join us just before class ends!" The teacher said.

"So sorry sir. I was in the office." The boy made his way to the empty seat next to Will.

"Chris, what the hell?" Lori asked. "Why does it look like your eyes gonna bruise?" Her voice was just above a whisper.

"Jake was picking on Sam, had to fix it." Chris muttered. "Who's this?" He asked, looking at Will.

"Will Byers. We asked if he and his sister wanted to hang out with us sometime." Jen said. Will looked at Chris. His eyes and hair were the same color as his sisters, except his hair was more curly and unruly. He was wearing a Queen shirt and a pair of jeans.

"Yeah that's great. I've seen you around, Will. I've been meaning to talk to you, make friends."

Holy shit

Will Byers just made friends

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