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After she gets ready, they leave. He takes her to a 5 star restaurant. As they eat, he asks her what's on her mind. She takes a deep breath, trying to decide how to tell the man she loves that he needs to share her because him alone isn't enough to satisfy her. She decides that this isn't the time or place for that conversation, so she lies and tells him that she is just thinking about a story she read recently. He nods and goes back to eating. After dinner, he drops her off at home, telling her that he will be back later he has some work to take care of. She decides to take a bath. After her bath she lays down and is almost asleep when her phone rings. It's Damien telling her he is on his way to her house. A few minutes later there is a knock on her door. She let's him in and goes back to her room. As they lay there, she debates telling him that she needs more. She decides against it choosing to enjoy his company for the night. As she drifts off to sleep, she dreams of all her holes being stuffed while different hands touch her all over her body. Her last thought before surrendering to her naughty dreams, is that she needs to decide if she is going to ask him to share or keep her desires a secret. She wakes up to an empty house the next morning and a note saying that he loves her and can't wait to see her again.

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