23. the boggart in the wardrobe

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     When Aspen woke up in the morning, she remembered what Hermione saw in her tea cup and decided to do some research before breakfast. She flipped through the pages of her Divination book and paused when she found the B and C section.

     According to Unfogging the Future a boat meant Aspen would receive protection or a visit from a friend. She didn't know if there was a time frame for predictions, so perhaps this meant they would be learning a new defence spell?

     Having a cat in your cup meant deceit, or a false friend. Aspen glanced around the dorm at her roommates sceptically. Did the animal mean she should be less trusting of others?

     Deciding to worry about the tea leaves later, Aspen got ready to leave her room.

     As she entered the Great Hall, she was certainly not ready for Professor Flitwick to be waiting for her.

     "Miss Shaw!" he squeaked, noticing her arrival and walking toward her. He gestured to her to follow him as he began to walk back into the Entrance Hall and up the wide, marble staircase.

     "Erm, sir, if you don't mind me asking, where are we going?" Aspen glanced around at the other students who were walking in the corridors giving her confused looks.

     "My office," Flitwick answered, he glimpsed at her over his shoulder, "no need to worry, you're not in trouble. I hope not, I know how you and your friends are. I just need to have a quick discussion and ask you a question."

     He opened the door to his office magically and then told her to sit down.

     Flitwick sat on his stack of books and started speaking, "I have a student, a year below you, who is having some..." he paused, thinking of the right words, "difficulty  with Charms. It has been like this since last year but I was hoping he would've improved over the holiday - he has magic parents." he continued, "And you are one of my brightest students, I wanted to ask someone who is older but could still form a friendship with him so it isn't uncomfortable for him."

     "Sir, what do you mean to ask?" Aspen was getting hungry for breakfast.

     Flitwick adjusted his glasses with nimble fingers. "I was just wondering if you would take on the act of tutoring Leonardo Fawley." Aspen froze, Leo was struggling in Charms? "Professor Snape has already agreed on his student getting assistance, although he is a bit reluctant on the assistance being you."

     Aspen thought about it. She would be helping a friend. How different could it be from studying with Jasmine about Herbology? She is busy, but not as busy as the students preparing for fifth and seventh year exams. This could be a way for her to get closer to Leo and become good friends.

     "Miss Shaw?" the voice of her head of house spoke, "are you up for the job? It will be a good addition to your arsenal of skills."

     "Of course, Professor." Aspen answered. "May I leave for breakfast now?"

     "Yes, you may," Professor Flitwick said.

     Malfoy didn't return to classes until late on Thursday morning. It was during double Potions. Aspen was too busy working on her Shrinking Solution to hear what he was saying to rile up Harry and Ron so much. But Jasmine would whisper what was going on as they worked.

     "Snape is making Ron and Harry prepare all of Malfoy's ingredients," then later on, "Neville's now in trouble because his potion is orange. Snape is abusing everyone besides the Slytherins as usual. Now he's mad at Mione because she offered to help." she gasped quietly, "Snively is going to feed Neville's potion to Trevor, poor toad. Hermione will find a way to save him anyway." She stopped talking as the Head of Slytherin House drifted by.

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