N: oh, really Among Us Theme Song
F: what I like that song
N: and The Time Of Your Life but P hates that song
F: I also put it in the speaker hahaha
N: you are evil
F: I know I know
N: hahaha
*The Time of your life play*
P: who is the put this song on?
O: we don't know, ma'am
G: can you change it?
H: no, this is not our phone
P: *Mind* F
F: *Sing the time of your life*
P: why did you put the song *Stop song*
F: hey, why would you do?
G: this is our wedding change it
F: what about no?
P: you're going to let ants in here!!!!!!!!!
F: it's just a movie. Oh, you mean the world ants yeah, I put them in the pants. hahaha
G: *Jumps*
*F put The Time Of Your Life and everyone dance to that*
O: this is the best day
L: I totally agree
F: see no one wants to listen to your boring music
G: it is not boring that's classic
F: Boring
P: do you need to stop ruining our wedding
F: nope I can't do that
H: I can dance do it
Y: Yey
Q: Yey for F
*Alphabets cheers for F*