Clubbing Gone Right(smut)

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A/n: Hey, my darlings<3 Please give me recommendations in the chapter above this one. Enjoy the story!

Willow is non-binary and uses they/them, they are afab. Jordan is trans, he/him. He is also afab. They are friends, not dating...... yet...........

Willow was having a lovely night, to say the least. After a nasty breakup and a few-too-many drinks, they'd found themself at the fourth club of the night with their best friend Jordan.

And god, wouldn't that just be the best mistake they'll ever make.

"Hey, princess," someone tapped Willow on the shoulder. They turned around to slap whoever the fuck just called them princess and-


"Hey there, handsome," Willow said, bringing their hand up to the jaw of what was easily the hottest man they'd ever seen. "Looking for some company?"

"Oh yes, my love," The stranger smiled at them fondly, bringing his own hand up to theirs. "Seems like someone's had a bit too much to drink?" He picked their other hand up, kissing the top of it. Guess they don't recognize me, Jordan thought. Should've been monitoring them.

Willow could feel the butterflies in their stomach going wild as they took a clumsy step nearer to Jordan, practically falling onto his chest.

"My names Willow," they said slowly.

Jordan laughed a bit at the way his friend slurred their words and stumbled, holding onto both of Willows hands now.

"Well, sweetheart, what do you say we take you home?" He flashed a smile, and with that Willow shoved Jordan into a deep, passionate kiss.

Their hands traveled up his torso, but Jordan had other plans.

"Woah there, princess," that name... He moved their hands back into his, ducking to put his mouth to Willows ear. "let's let you sober up a bit before we make rash decisions, hm?"

Willow let out a whine of disapproval before Jordan walked them out of the club and into the parking lot, straight into his car.

They both got in, Willow falling asleep the moment they got into the car. Jordan buckled them and drove off, carrying them inside once they got to his place.

He tried to lay Willow down, which was to no avail. They immediately got up, shoving Jordan against the wall and, once again, shoving their lips against his.

He pushed her off and changed their positions, holding his best friend against the wall by their waist.

"You're drunk," Jordan said, voice low and serious. Willow looked him dead in the eyes.

"Even sober me wanted this."

Jordan laughed a bit, moving closer to their face and bringing his other hand to grab Willows jaw.

"Better hope sober you doesn't mind a few marks then, princess."

Shoving his knee between their legs, Jordan joined their lips once again, relishing in the desperate whines and grabs he elicited from his  friend. He slipped his fingers into the waistband of their pants, teasing them. Willow keened.

He pushed his hand down further, his finger tracing along the middle of their panties as he deepened the kiss, biting the others lip so hard it bled. Jordan tastes the blood and pulled back.

"Are you okay?" His hand froze as he spoke. Apparently Willow didn't like that.

"Fuck, I- that was hot," their words were mumbled, and, considering the way they were grabbing at their friends hand, they were begging for more.

Jordan moved his left from their waist and grabbed their jaw instead, bringing Willows face close to his and licking the blood trailing from their lip.

Willow threw their head back, desperate and fragile as they struggled with the button on their pants. The taller laughed, reaching over to pet their head.

"Oh darling, how cute. Here," he unbuttoned their pants for them, watching with a sly smirk as they slipped down.

"Please I- I need- you, please," Willow pleaded, one of their hands traveling down to their own crotch, kissing down the others collarbone.

Jordan tilted his head back and groaned. A low, growling groan that made Willow think they may cum untouched. He held his hand out to Willow, who took it. He led them to the bed, sitting them on the edge and getting on his knees between their legs.

"This okay, princess?"

"Fuck just shut up and do it already"

Jordan began licking at heir panties, kissing up the middle and all around heir thighs before finally pulling them down. Willow seemed like they were about to cry from all the teasing, grabbing at the others hair and begging him to give them more.

And fuck, did he.

Jordan let his tongue lick a long, hot, wet stripe, right over Willows clit, and Willow let out a sob of pleasure. He continued on, sucking and licking and kissing their clit. He brought a hand up and slowly pushed two fingers into Willows cunt as they moaned and whimpered, the feeling better than any they'd ever had before.

He moved his mouth over to the inside of their thigh and bit down. Hard. They saw stars as they came, the mix of pleasure and pain and their drunken state all being exactly what they needed as they practically screamed through their orgasm.

By now they were a shaking, crying, whining mess, and god was it a sight to behold. Jordan licked over their cunt again, cleaning up the mess, and adored the way it made Willow keen.

"I'll be right back, my love," He said as he walked into the bathroom.

He started a bath, and, knowing his best friend very well, added some bubbles. He then went back to pick them up and carry them into the tub.

"Mmm- thank you~" Willow stammered out, voice shakey. "Again sometime? I could.. return the favor?"

Jordan smiled at them, kissing their forehead and taking their hand into his.

"I'd love to sometime, princess," he said. "Anything for you."

A/n: ooo hey guys! I don't proofread so don't make fun of any of my spelling mistakes<3 I haven't written smut in a long time so I'm hoping this doesn't suck ass. Have a lovely day, my darlings<3

Word count: 1033

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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