Chapter Four

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I went to the center so everyone could hear me.

"Hello all, my name is Piper McLean. Some of you may know Tristan McLean, a mortal movie star. He is my father and I'm not lying. Reyna, can you take your dogs out to prove it?" Reyna just nodded and Aurum and Argentum came into sight. "These dogs can sense lies as the Romans know, yes? They will growl at Piper if she is lying and if she isn't they will leave with me," Reyna announced.

I said again, "My father is Tristan McLean, he is a famous mortal actor." Aurum looked at me but then looked away. Argentum didn't give me any expression. Reyna led them away and everyone gasped.

People muttered

"No way,"

"I want her dad's autograph,"

"I can barely believe it,"

I interrupted them by continuing my speech

"I am also a daughter of Aphrodite with the power of charmspeak. I can make people do what I want unless they can resist it."

I took a deep breath, "I don't have many titles but to share one with you, the 'Why do I do the gods bidding' title for we all wish we were not demigods or magicians. I believe,"

I heard many:

"She's SO right,"


"Why me?"

"Can I just be a regular mortal or something?"

"Gods, why do I have this life?" And so on

"I have freed Hera of her prison in the Wolf House, a defeater of the giants along with the Seven. I am also Jason's girlfriend so don't try to take him or me or else trouble will go to you. " Yes?" I added a hint of charmspeak to make sure they got the message. "I guess that's it for me!"



RARA raa ah a Roma oola la la

Hey! Stop -RRA


I walked up to the stage. Being a praetor gives you confidence in speaking to a large number of people.

"I am Reyna Ramirez-Arellano. Praetor of the Twelfth Legion. My sister Hylla is Queen of the Amazons. We both were maids of CCs Spa and Resort." I looked at Annabeth and Percy, Annabeth nodding and Percy with a confused expression on his face. "I am a daughter of Bellona, Roman goddess of protecting homeland and war. Bellona is a full Roman goddess, meaning that she does not experience a split personality. I am a venturer of the Mare Nostrum or as some of you call it the Mediterranean. I am the restorer and bringer of the Athena Parthenos, along with Nico di Angelo and Gleason Hedge."

Oh, Will?

Yeah? -WS

If you hurt a hair on Nico at any given moment you will face me and will go to the Fields of Punishment. If you don't I'll personally go to the Underworld and visit Lord Pluto, or Hades and demand you go to punishment, understand?

Yes praetor *shudders* -WS

Anyway, I went on "Also I have participated in the unity of our camps. And like I said before, we had one home, now we have four. Now I kindly back and the floor belongs to Zia Rashid."


Thank you, Reyna. You are quite confident.

I thank you for your kindness -RRA

I began to call for attention.

"I Zia Rashid, Scribe of the House of Life and fire Elementalist. I am the hostesses of the Egyptian sun god Ra and Nephthys. I am somehow Carter's girlfriend. I have, using Ra's power defeated Apophis with the help of many magicians that are not rebelling against us. I am still getting to understand the mortal world and hope that I will not die and live a good life if that's possible. Thank you for your attention."

I believe you're next Walt?

Yes -WSA


Underline is Anubis

Carefully walking up the stage I watched people look at me and decide that Anubis should take over after me.

"Hey, how are you all? I am Walt Stone, I share my body with the god of funerals, Anubis. You'll see it later. I am Sadie's boyfriend along with Anubis, so we're a package deal!"

It's awesome. Two boys I like in one!! -SK

"I am a descendent of King Tutankhamun. Or known as King Tut. I am unable to perform magic through my power but channel it through amulets. I have suffered quite a lot of battles against the true enemy, Apophis, and some rebels. I currently reside in Brooklyn in the 21st Nome. Kay Anubis you can take over."

Anubis turned into a replica of Nico, or the other way around, but they both have a strong relation with death so I'm not so surprised.

I scanned the crowd and as I thought there was that annoying girl, Drew was her name staring t me. I remember at the dance at Brooklyn Academy for the Gifted (BAG!!🤣) she tried to take me away but being a god you get some cool things. I started to speak, but I'm not much of a talker.

"I am Anubis, god of the dead and funerals. I share Walt Stone's body with him and am in a current 3-way relationship with Sadie Kane," I smirked at Drew who looked horrified. "I work under Sadie's father Lord Osiris or Master Julius Kane, I don't know what else to say other than Isis is a very rude goddess for forbidding my time with Sadie so yeah." Too much of my displeasure heard, since I am also the god of Jackals, Drew mumbles about how Isis is an amazing goddess. Well, that's it for me. I willed myself to push Walts's body across and away from eh center of attention.

Oh, I wanna talk to Drew about it again and humiliate her. I was SOOOO much fun right, Anubis? -SK

Her reaction was rather amusing -WSA

Stop with the perfect vocabulary!!! -SK

Well, it's what happens when you live for thousands of years of boredom so you learn to use good vocabulary and manners -WSA

Who cares!?! -SK

Uhhh, me? -CK

Sorry Sadie but when you're the daughter of wisdom you just have to -AC

Tell me about it, when I send a letter with a misspelling of an abbreviation like please as P-L-Z she sends a letter to me back, PLUS a lecture about misspellings and whatnot -PJ

Well if you're a god and live forever in boredom you'll learn good vocabulary anyway, and ALL children of Athena probably have to spell things correctly or else they get MAD!!

Anyway, thx(HAHA) 

It's spelled T-H-A-N-K-S, not T-H-X -AC

*Me running from Annabeth*

See? -PJ

for reading the story!


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