Chapter 1: Realization

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There will probably be spelling mistakes so ya also pls don't kill meh groovy

Groovy POV:
I was going to Asdwz458's house to play some fornite and I was waiting for Asdwz458 to open the door until I saw Carl doing his thing trying to get the gun with the line "A gun give me the freaking gun, WTH I can't pick it up. "Carl said, I chuckle a bit " You know its not nice laughing at people. " Carl said "sorry carl. " I said while trying to hold in my laugh. Carl did give up and came to me "So what you and Asdwz458 going to do now? " Carl said to me " oh me and Asdwz458 are gonna play fornite. " mind if I join since player isn't gonna join in a while. " Carl said "Sure I am sure Asdwz458 would like to have more people. " I said happily.

Carl POV: "Man when did Groovy became so cute and sweet- wait am I having feeling for groovy!?" I thought to myself, "Yo Carl you good?" Groovy said to me I just blushed looked away, " ya I was just thinking about something" I said "oh ok" groovy said with a face full of confusion.
Asdwz458 POV: After I lost another Fornite game I did remember that me and groovy were gonna play together " OH BATTLE BUS I FORGOT!?" I yelled I open the door in a hurry to see Groovy and Carl talking. I gave a sigh of relief and ask groovy what he and Carl are taking about? "Oh me and Carl were just talking about random also you don't mind if Carl can play with us. " groovy said  "of course man come in come in. " I said groovy and Carl came in and we started to play some fornite.

OH LORD AND HEAVEN that's it for this chapter more chapter are on the way.


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