Chuck x Reader

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If there was one thing that you hated more than anything, it was working the night shift at the Freezeria. The night shift basically consisted of you standing bored at the counter waiting for someone to come in, which rarely happened as everyone on the island was already asleep at this point. On the rare occasion someone did come in during the late hours, they were usually drunk and ended up forgetting to tip after you served them.

However, there was one regular customer that usually showed up at around 11pm each night. He always ordered the same thing - a tall large drink with pineapple and banana - an interesting combination, you thought. The first time he ordered that, you couldn't resist taking a sip in the kitchen to see how it tasted - you discovered it was sweet. After you handed him the drink he took a big chug without knowing it was from the same spot your lips had touched.

"This is really good," you remember him saying. Then he deposited a fifty dollar bill into the tip jar before turning around and leaving.

He came in at the same time every week after that, ordering the same pineapple and banana combination. Sometimes he would talk to you, and you learned his name was Chuck and he was a model. A really handsome model. He came down to Calypso Island to teach kids how to surf, and at the end of his day he came down to the freezeria.

Today it had been a particularly hot day, and as night fell the heat alleviated slightly, but it was still enough to make you sweat. The freezeria was empty and you waited with anticipation for Chuck to come in at 11pm like he always did.

11pm came and went and there was no sign of him. You sighed as you began to prepare to close up the freezeria, but just as you were about to turn the open sign around, you noticed a familiar orange shirt in the distance. He accelerated quickly up to the door.

"We're closed," you told him teasingly, gripping the sign in your hand.

He smirked at you through the sheen of the door. "I'm sure you have room for me, right... babe?" His voice was deep and flirty. You noticed the way his studs shone in the faint light of the freezeria sign.

"Babe?" you asked, opening the door to let him in. He was wearing the same bright orange shirt he always wore. The right side of his collar was sticking up and a few of the top buttons were undone, exposing his chest. You took in a breath as you noticed the way his biceps were bulging underneath his sleeves.

"You done staring?" he asked, breaking you from your thoughts. You blushed lightly.

"I want my drink," he stated, shoving his hands into the pockets of his cargo shorts. It was then you noticed how tall he was; he was practically towering over you.

"A please would be nice," you said, crossing you arms and looking at him towering above you. He really was tall. And tanned. He was pretty buff too-

"Please," he said, smirking at you. "Can I please have a drink?"

"Pineapple and banana with whipped cream, right?" you said, turning to go make his drink.

"You know me so well," he mused.

You walked behind the counter and quickly assembled his drink. You had it memorized at this point, you didn't need a ticket. You finally brought the sweet concoction to the counter.

"Mmm," he exclaimed.

"Is it good?"

"The best," he said. He placed the drink on the counter between you and him. "Its really sweet."

Your breath hitched as you realized how close his face was to yours, the drink the only thing separating your face from his. He was so close you could smell his cologne. You gazed up a the details of his handsome face, the blond highlights of his hair framing his features like a picture. His lips were pursed slightly and they looked so kissable.

You could cut the tension in the room with a knife.

"Want a taste?" he said suddenly, breaking the silence. You didn't say anything, but nodded and leaned down to take a sip of the drink.

Chuck's fingers caught your chin, forcing you to look up at him. His eyes were bright hazel, and you could see them follow up and down your face. His pupils blew out slightly as he looked at your lips.

"That's not what I meant."

You stared at him in confusion for a second before his lips met yours. His lips were warm and soft. The kiss started out soft, his lips grazing yours, asking for permission, before you kissed back. He deepened the kiss, and you wrapped your arm around his neck. You could taste the sweetness from the whipped cream and a hint of pineapple as you opened your mouth to allow him access to your mouth. He groaned as you felt him slide his tongue over yours.

He picked you up and set you on the counter, squeezing his hands on your thighs as he put you down. You could feel his half hard erection pressing into you, making you sigh. His breath was hot against your face as you broke apart.

"I wanna fuck you so bad right now," he breathed, sending chills down your neck. He leaned down so his lips were right next to your ear. "I know you want it too. I know you've wanted me ever since you saw me walk through those doors."

You looked away from him, trying to hide your embarrassment. "I..." you began. You shut your legs together, turning away and refusing to make eye contact. Of course, you thought, who wouldn't want someone like him? He was probably used to women falling all over him constantly.

"Look at me." His voice dropped an octave as he forced your thighs apart. He began rubbing the juncture of your thighs, speaking slowly.

"I want you to look at me when you're talking to me, baby," he said, his sharp hazel eyes fixated on your expression. You gasped as you felt him stop rubbing to reach into your jeans, fingers coming in contact with bare skin. He caressed you for a second before reaching down.

"Shit," he choked out. "You're so fuckin wet. Oh my god."

"Chuck." You spoke through gritted teeth. You felt him rub along your pussy, focusing on your clit. You gasped as you felt him start rubbing there, a spark lighting in your stomach as he continued.

"What?" he asked innocently, picking up the pace slightly. "Is something wrong, miss barista?"

"W-what if somebody walks in?" you asked, grabbing his wrist. He stopped and you momentarily regretted it as you lost the growing feeling that had previously been building up in your stomach.

"So let them. I don't care," he stated, resuming. He began fingering you, making you moan. His fingers were so thick and long. You could feel him hitting spots you didn't know existed. You could hear his breathing slow down and become heavy as you continued getting closer and closer to your orgasm. You could feel the edge of it, closer and close-

"I want you to cum on my cock 🤓," Chuck said, his voice deep. You glared at him, the impending orgasm slowly disappearing into nothing. He pulled his fingers out and sucked them.

He pulled his jeans down, revealing his hard, aching length. 6 inches of manliness, hard and ready for you. There was a milky white bead of precum glistening on the head already.

"You ready for me, babe?" he asked, not actually caring about what your answer was as he began rubbing the head of his cock over your pussy. You both groaned as he inserted himself inside you, slowly, achingly slowly.

Suddenly an asteroid hit the planet and everyone died.

The End

CHUCK X READERWhere stories live. Discover now