Chapter 1- Disgraces of the Noble and Ancient House of Black

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Regulus Pov

"Now Regulus, you better not Disappoint our family, you are the Only heir in the House of Black" I heard the woman who gave birth to me say as I was about to get on the train for my first year at Hogwarts. "I know, mother," I say, I walk onto the train and go looking for an open compartment. I found one but I saw 3 people, 2 females and a male. I open the compartment door "may I sit here, I can't find any open compartments" I ask politely "Of course you can, I'm Lily Evens, the guy next to me is Severus Snape and the little Strawberry Blonde is my sister Y/n Evens" the ginger girl named Lily says.
"I'm Regulus Black," I say. The entire ride to Hogwarts was us trying to get to know each other. Severus is a bit reserved until you mention potions and he'll talk your ears off, Y/n is very timid but very passionate about charms, magical creatures and art, Lily is a very smart bookworm, I have a passion for reading so Lily gave me some muggle books. Severus is a Slytherin, Lily is a Gryffindor, but they are still pretty close. Y/n and I haven't been sorted yet, so that is still a mystery to us.
We finally got to Hogwarts and Y/n, and I went to the boats. We sailed to the school and went to the sorting ceremony. "Regulus Black," I hear Professor McGonagal call my name first. I walk up and sit on the stool where the hat was placed on my head. "Ah, another Black, you have bravery, Chilvery, ambition, a thirst to prove yourself, but you value hard work and sacrifice. You would do anything to keep who you care about safe and don't want nothing to do with your family's ties with the dark lord, " the hat says in my head
"Better be GRYFFINDOR," I hear, and I instantly feel fear, but I hear cheering from the Gryfindor's table, the loudest cheering belonging to my older brother I got up and went to the Gryffindor table. "Y/n Evens," I watch N/n go up. "HUFFLEPUFF(sorry if this isn't your house, I used a random wheel generator and kept getting Hufflepuff, so majority wins)." I clap as she goes to the Hufflepuff table.
"Mother is going to torture me for sure," I mumble to myself. "Welcome to Gryffindor," Sir Nicholas says and floats away. I look at the Slytherin table, and I see Bellatrix glaring at me. I don't know why my family is mad. I can't control what house I'm sorted in, so I shouldn't be punished for something I can't control.
"Welcome to Gryffindor, Reg," Sirius says, putting his arm around me. "What's with the disappointed face?" Sirius asked me after I didn't respond. "Mother and father will torture me for sure, I was supposed to be the heir. The one to be in Slytherin to keep our bloodline pure." I say panicked. "I won't let that happen!!" My brother says. I'm grateful to have him, "I'm James, James Potter," Sirius's friend says.
I shyly shook his hand, and I felt sparks? It was the same thing that happened when I shook Lily's hand. Strange. The feast starts, and I dig in. "How are you liking Hogwarts so far?" Lily asks."I mean, my parents told me about it, so I already knew a lot, but it's cool so far, " I say. "That's cool. My parents didn't know much, honestly. I am muggleborn after all, " Lily says. "That's cool, though, because it's a whole new experience," I say. "Yeah, it is!" Lilly says excitedly.
I look over at Slytherin table and see Severus looking sad, I decided to walk over to the Slytherin table and dragged Severus to the Gryffindor table. My brother and his friends glare but I glare back "He's my friend, deal with it and be nice" I say in a demanding tone, they put their hands up in surrender, and try to make conversation with Sev. He was confused but decided to be nice bc he didn't want to face the wrath of a Black.
*Time skip, it's the summer of Regulus's 4th year*

Obviously, my parents were angry at me for being in Gryffindor. Home was a nightmare, I wasn't disowned, but one wrong move, and I get hit with the cruciatus curse. My friends started noticing I was more distant and jumpy. James and Lily would guard me from my classes. "REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK! GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!!!" I hear my "mother" scream instantly, getting struck with fear. Once I was downstairs, I got screamed at and physically beaten. "ASSOCIATING WITH MUDBLOODS AND BLOOD TRAITORS IS AGAINST OUR RULES," Walburga screamed. I had bruises on my stomach, arms, hips, and chest. Some were bloody, and I also got a black eye, a bruised cheek, and a busted lip.
Before another blow, I used Expelliarmus and ran to my room, packed everything I owned, and jumped out my window. Lucky for me, I landed in a bush. Once recovering, I ran with all of my luggage. As I was running, not even knowing where I was or how far I ran, I bumped into someone. "Regulus? *gasp* What happened?" I her a female voice ask. "Lily? My parents happened." I say,"Let's get you inside my house." I guess I subconsciously led myself to Lily's. I follow her and go in *gasp* "What happened?" One of Lily's parents gasped."My so-called mother abused me, " I say. "That's horrible," Lily's dad said.
Right as I got comfortable James and Sirius barged into Lily's house and instantly ran to me "You are not going back there, until you Graduate you're living with me and Sirius at my house" James says "James, back up, he needs space" Y/n says "Sorry N/n but I'm concerned" James says "It's also bc you like him but get over it" Sirius says "What?!" Lily and I say at the same time. I liked Lily as more than a friend, same with James, but I didn't know either of them felt the same way.
"I like you and Lily, Regulus but I don't know if you guys like me or each other" James says "Well I like Lily and you and Lily has told me she likes you and me" I say "How is that going to work though" Lily asks "Have you ever heard of Polyamorous. Think of it as a 2 for 1 kind of deal. " Y/n says, "Alright then, Regulus Black, Lily Evens, do you two want to be my partners and each others partners also?" James asks. "Yes!" I say,"I mean........ Of course!" Lily says, "Awesome!" James says.

It's a 2 for 1 kind of deal- JegulilyWhere stories live. Discover now