A day in the emporium

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Everyone seemed to be in the sky Emporium, having groups in seperate parts of the place. Celesteal returned with his son to the emporium, he looks over to Solgon and Naen, the two had somehow shattered their symbols weeks ago. They noticed Celesteal, Solgon gave him a cold but mostly neutral look while Naen gave a look of concern. Celesteal's symbol flickered at Naen, as if greeting him, he smiles in return before looking away to talk to Solgon.

"Solgon doesn't seem too happy seeing you.." Clark whispered to Celesteal.

"I can't blame him, he has the right to feel what he feels"

"Alright, if that's what you say"

They continue walking, each time they have walk past the points, some gave him almost neutral glances, with a hint of coldness, though not all of them did so he mostly shrugs it off. Celesteal seemed surprised when he saw Ulipse just sitting near where her world's entrance is, Ixol was beside her, they both wore flower crowns and a third crown was in Ixol's hand.


"And y'know, Nyrelle, he was- Dad?"

Ixol glance over at Celesteal's direction, without any hesitation got up and ran towards him, Celesteal gasped as he finally noticed the cracks on Ixol's symbol.


"Don't worry about it Dad, I'm fine, Ulipse comforted me through it"

"I'm so sorry Ixol, I couldn't tell you what actually-"

"I know, and I'm not mad, you have good intentions... Though for the most part you've had bad intentions."

"Nothing can justify what I've done, I've accepted that. But we can't do anything to change what happened"

"Mhm- oh yeah! I want to give this to you"

Ixol held up the flower crown in his hand.

"Oh? Aren't these the flowers that were hidden in your old clothes?"

"Yeah! Not sure why these were there but maybe old me liked flowers? Anyways, I decided to take those flowers and tried to plant them in my world, somehow it works and using seeds from those flowers, I was able to grow a bunch of them"

"Do you enjoy doing that?"

"Yeah! It feels... Calming, and I think it's also something nice to do, aside from burning things and wrecking everything over"

"Does this mean you can stop wrecking my hou-"

"Nope, but let me put this on your head"

Celesteal lowered his head a little, Ixol and Celesteal weren't too far off in height, he put the crown on his head and his symbol flickered in content.

"This is rather lovely, thank you Ixol"

"Have you guys forgotten I'm here"

"Sorry, I didn't see you there" Ixol snorted.

"Listen I may be short but being in a coma for nine years prevented me to grow further, you do not have the right to treat me like an atom!"



"... How's the weather down ther-"

Ixol screeched and Clark kicks him on the knee, sending him onto the floor, Celesteal quickly grabs Clark before he could do anything else and Ulipse ran over to check on Ixol.

"Clark! Don't hurt your brother!"

"He started it!"

"You didn't have to physically harm him though!"

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