Chapter 1

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*Alli's Perspective*

I sighed as I watched the small toddler throw toys all over the floor,making as 

much noise as possible. "Max,come here!" I called closing my text book. "I 

sorry" Max replied wobbling over to me. Max looked just like his father,dark 

brown hair and gorgeous eyes. "It's okay Maxy,but can you be a little quieter? 

I'm trying to study." I asked sitting him on my lap. "When's daddy coming home?" 

Max asked looking up at me. "Soon,in about a week or so. You miss him don't 

you?" I asked looking at Max sadly. He sighed,nodding. "He'll be home soon 

Maxy,I promise! Now go play,but be quiet so I can study. Max wobbled off of my 

lap and ran over to where all of his toys were. Opening the large textbook I 

suddenly became worried. What if I didn't pass? I would have to completely 

retake this course. I was on my fourth year of school and this was the last test 

before I would be completely done and have my degree. "Can I have ice cream?" 

Max asked poking me,taking me out of my thoughts. "You're going to be eating 

dinner soon,after dinner you can eat ice cream" I replied,before going back to 

the book I knew I had to read.

*Keaton's Perspective*

"Two more shows until I'm back home" I smirked into the phone. "Thank god I 

don't think I could go any longer without seeing you Keats" Alli's sweet voice 

sighed through the phone. Just hearing her voice made my heart flutter. To be 

honest,it was hard to be away from her for this long. The boys and I have been 

on three tours so far,this being the fourth and hopefully the last. "How was 

your day?" I asked hopping into the hotel bed. Not being able to sleep next to 

Alli was the worst,and I knew she had a tough time sleeping through the night. 

She had developed nightmares. She often calls me in the middle of the night 

crying,but I just try to calm her down since I can't physically be there with 


"Tiring,Max was extra hyper today and I had to study" she sighed. Max was beyond 

adorable,and I missed him. "Well Cece has him now right?" I asked. "Mmhm" she 

confirmed. "How about you get into bed,cuddle into the blankets and I'll sing to 

you?" I offered feeling pain that I couldn't be there with her. "Sounds perfect" 

she mumbled. I began singing to her,until I heard light snores over the phone. 

"Goodnight my love" I whispered before hanging up and falling into a deep sleep.

"Auntie Alli" Max's voice whispered waking me out of my light sleep. "What are 

you doing up Max?" I asked sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "I can't sleep,can I 

sleep with you?" He asked climbing into bed with me. "Where's your mother?" I 

asked confused that he was with me. "She's sleeping,she has work tomorrow I 

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