The Gardens

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Across the castle hallways, brightly lit with torches. Leo and Mirror walked side by side. Having just come out of the king's office they are headed towards the gardens. Walking in silence Mirror grew nervous while Leo remained oblivious to his panicking nerves. 

Reaching the gardens Mirror grew amazed at the size and variety of the gardens. "This place is called gardens because each section was grown and treated by a different person. Most of them were members of the royal family."

Mirror had always liked plants, flowers especially, but unfortunately the only plant he can grow is cacti. "Who takes care of the gardens?"

Holding Mirror's shoulder the guard guided him around the gardens. "We have gardeners."

"... Does each section have a name?"

"Yes." They passed a section with roses of all shades. "This section is called Rose Overgrown." Passing a large group of baking herbs. "And this is baker's herbs. This section is managed by the cooks of the castle."

As they passed different sections Leo pointed out each one and named them. Enjoying the tour, Mirror began to lower his guard the further they went. Meanwhile, Leo didn't, but he began to take a liking to Mirror. Finding his reactions of joy and admirement endearing. But his endearment reminded him of the young king. Remembering his exiled king. Leo grew conflicted.

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