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Third person pov:


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Midle of the night

Its was midle of night, and you could hear Sam and Colby makeing video.
While Katrina was annyoed by them because they had to film in their house.

She tried everything to make Jade to go to sleep but nothing helped. Jade just wanted to go downstairs and to see why are they speaking so loud? Why are they just so loud?

Jade was really spoiled, Sam and mostly Katrina would spoil her every single day, it was joy for them to see their todler being happy.

"ME GO THERE." Jade yelled in her mothers face. Uh, harsh.

And that happen when you spoil your children hehe.
"Shhhhh" Katrina wispered, taking Jades tiny hand and walks out of door after being begged to leave dang room for 1 and half hour.

"Be quiet, you can watch from stairs, okay. Sit here I'll be right back." Katrina said letting go of Jade.

While Jade, made her self somehow comfort on stairs and watched what two mans were doing.

She didnt understend what they were talking about most of the time.
But in her tiny brain it was still very exiting.

While they were watching a short video, Colby poked Sam and pointed his finger to Jade who was sitting on stairs staring at them, she had her hands on her head to suport her head from falling.

When Jade noticed what he just did, she ran fast from stairs to her room, scared that her dad will yell at her for not sleeping at this time.

But what she didnt know, Sam just laughed at her and counting to film a video.

"Where the h-" Katrina said, not seeing Jade where she left her.

"She runaway" Colby laughed,

"She ranaway. She was begging me to go downstairs and be with you two! Oh my god!"

"She wanted to see me, what an angel" Colby giggled

"Very funny, Brock." Sam said giving him death stare

"Okay, chill out Sammy."

"Im kidding" Sam gasped and started to laugh his ass off.

"Anyway, gotta put kid in bed"

"Okay night, say night to angel" Colby added again making Sam roll his eyes

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