𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀʟʟ

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❨.。.:*✧ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥❩


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REBEKAH NEVER REALLY BOTHERED TO BE FRIENDS WITH BELLA, BECAUSE SHE DIDN’T FEEL THE NEED. As soon as the youngest Cullen found out Isabella Swan was a part of her family, she sorta just adopted her in a sense. There was no getting to know each other - it just happened. But, that didn’t mean that Rebekah was fond of the human like Alice had been.

Though that didn’t mean that she hated her like Rosalie did. She was indifferent about the human, because she didn’t fit in the way the Cullens did when they first joined the family. Everyone that Carlisle had turned needed to be turned in order to survive, with Alice and Jasper they were already vampires when the Cullens took them in.

Bella was a human, with a human life, human parents, and human friends. Rebekah thought it would be foolish if she merely throwed all that away to be with Edward, but she knew that nothing she said would make the human see reason. 

And a part of her knew that when Bella and Edward first got together, it would either end in Bella being abandoned, or her being turned. 

Needless to say, Rebekah had been right. 

And why do you ask, is she reviewing these thoughts now? 

Because Alice had just had a vision that had all but traumatized her. Jasper was with her now, trying to comfort her, but Alice just sat in silence - staring ahead at the walls of the fancy hotel. 

So now Rebekah sat in her room, twirling the phone cord in her finger as she waited for either Rosalie or Emmett to answer the phone. She figured that she should be the one that they hear it from, and as bad as it is - she really didn’t want to be the one that told Edward. 

Hello?” At the sound of Rosalie’s voice, Rebekah let out a soft sigh, and twirled the cord tighter around her finger. 

“Rose…Rose it’s Rebekah. Something happened, Rose. Alice had a vision and it was bad, god it’s so bad.” Rebekah tried to keep her soft sobs at bay, her hand reaching up to cover her mouth.

Rebekah? Bekah, what’s going on? What did Alice see?” Rosalie bombarded her with questions and the younger sister took a deep breath, as she slowly slid off the bed and onto the floor. 

“Is Emmett in there with you?” Was the answer, or question she gave the blonde instead and she could hear rustling on the other end of the line. God, she wished her brother was here. She didn’t know what to do or how to react - and all she wanted was a hug from Emmett.

No, he is out hunting - now what is going on?” Rose’s voice seemed to draw her thoughts, breaking the glass that seemed to protect her mind.

And with that demand, Rebekah let the words fall from her lips before she could stop them. “Bella jumped off a cliff, and Alice can’t see her future anymore. She shut down Rose, and god I can’t imagine what’s gonna happen when Edward finds out.”

Just breathe, Rebekah. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.” Rose’s voice was smooth as honey, the soft order covering Rebekah in a relaxing blanket. “Go find Jasper, stay with him and Alice. I’ll worry about Edward and Emmett.

“I’m worried about Edward, Rose.” The younger sister whispered.

I know, Bekah - so am I.” And with a soft ‘I love you’ - Rosalie hung up the phone.  

Now left in silence, Rebekah placed the phone back onto the table, and let her body slide off the bed. She pulled her knees to her chest and stared at the wall in front of her. 

This wasn’t supposed to happen. Bella was supposed to move on from them, find someone knew - have a life. She wasn’t supposed to throw away her life like a piece of trash. But, Rebekah knew it was the mate bond. 

And that was why Rebekah was so hesitant about finding her mate. She was worried that something would happen to her and leave her mate in terrible sorrow and vice-versa. Not to mention, she didn’t want to be tied down. Back when she was human, women in a relationship were viewed as nothing but maids and ways to have kids. It was sad but true.

And she had been the only girl in a family full of boys. If it wasn’t for Emmett, she may have not survived. 

Rebekah shook her head when a knock sounded at the door, and looked over her shoulder just in time to see Alice enter the room, a sullen look on the seer’s face. The older brunette walked around the bed to take a seat beside her sister, their shoulders resting against each other. 

“I wanna go back to Forks. And check on Charlie - see if what I actually saw happened.” Alice rushed out and Rebekah nodded. Then, Alice took a breath and turned her head to look at her younger sister. “I want you to come with me.”

“What about Jasper?” Rebekah asked and Alice ran a hand over her face.

“He’s going to tell Carlisle and Esme, his gift will be needed.” Alice explained softly, earning another nod from the younger brunette.

Rebekah licked her lips and let her legs smooth out. “When do we leave?”


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