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AFTER BLOOM STORMED OFF, Musa and Aisha went looking for her while Chione simply trailed behind, not really putting that much effort into looking for the emotional fire fairy. She knew this was a time where she needed to be alone and not bothered.
Walking back into their shared suite, Chione saw Aisha check her phone for the thousandth time tonight.
"She's blanking my texts."
"Strange. I wonder if it's because she poured her heart out to you both and then proceeded to call her a freak?" Musa blatantly stated.
"Hey, there is no shame in being a freak, all you have to do is own it." Chione digressed.
"Fine then let me put it another way. She simply wasn't ready to hear that her parents aren't her real parents." Musa rephrased.
"I like that statement better, thank you." Chione shared, with a small smile, that Musa smiled back too.
"Have you seen Bloom?" Aisha asked Stella, who was currently sitting on the couch posing with petrifying duck lips.
"Not recently." Stella said, with seemingly no care in the world.
Chione didn't need a polygraph to see that Stella was lying.
Musa also knew she was lying because her eyes flashed a bright magenta, before fading back to their decadent brown.
Feeling the stares from among the two, snapped her finger together, ridding the ball of light she had created to take her photos.
"Your face looks so calm, yet you're racked with guilt." Musa stated surely.
"You're a mind fairy." Aisha pointed out, not knowing the girl's gift before.
Musa was going to give Aisha a look for pointing her status out, until Chione decided to speak up.
"A mind fairy, how cool. You know if I actually had a favorite type of fairy, a mind fairy ranks at #3, but of course ice is the first and surprisingly water is the second. And before anyone says anything, water's in second place because you can't have ice without water, it's a basic necessity."