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Shu has always been a loner. Staying inside all day and playing games all throughout the day nonstop was how his life mostly went.

Once he hit 16, he got his mom's permission to start streaming on YouTube and Twitch. With Shu's amazing gaming skills, it wasn't soon after he started screaming, his numbers grew rapidly. Within the first three months, Shu had already reached one million on YouTube and 800k on Twitch. He had no idea how he had done that, but he did.

Shu never showed his face on stream. He would normally use png's he drew. Each week was always something new. Shu never liked the idea of showing his face on stream. Why should he show his face on stream? What was so important about simply showing his face on stream? Shu was young still; he didn't just want his face to freely be on the internet. He didn't see the reason as well. What was so special about someone's face? It's just someone's face, that's all. Nothing special about it.

Why do people even care about others' looks? Why not care about other things about the person? Like their personality. Their traits. Their interest. Knowing someone personally was most likely the better choice compared comparing to someone simply showing their face on the internet.

Maybe it isn't so simple once you reach big numbers... But still. Fame was overwhelming for Shu. He had a lot of expectations he had to reach. All eyes were on him nonstop. His mom could tell he was always stressed out about his fans wanting to see more from him. This was the internet fame that Shu had never heard about till now. He was just glad no one in person knew his face. Maybe his voice, but there is a high chance that not everyone in the whole world would watch Shu's streams.

Shu was good at art as well. He wanted to continue his passion for art. Maybe more than his internet fame. Art helped Shu calm down. Art blocks always made him angry. He loved drawing with his whole heart but losing his motivation to draw made him feel useless even, maybe overwhelmed a little too.

Whenever Shu got bored, he would draw roses or some fruits. Drawing random things made him happy. No matter how bad his day was, or his art block was, drawing small things that he liked made the boy smile. He always thought if he had friends, would he draw them too? Would he put all his time and effort into drawing them? Would he make the drawings detailed? Would he...?

Shu liked the idea of drawing friends, but the idea of making friends made him want to throw up. Shu kept on thinking about that when he laid back down in bed after eating the breakfast, he had made himself.

"Will I ever make friends at my new school?" That was right, Shu was going to go to school for the first time in his life after being home-schooled for years. The reason he had been home-schooled was Shu had light sensitivity and making friends made him feel overwhelmed.

The thought kept on running through his mind, he couldn't help but think about the friends he could make.

"But what if they all leave me?" That thought overwhelmed his train of thought.

Shu was nervous now. He wasn't before, nor did he want to admit it that he was, but now he strongly is. The school was starting in a week. A freaking week.

Shu sat up, put on his headphones, grabbing his drawing tablet. He sat up against his bed, drawing himself smelling a rose. His favorite. This drawing was meant for him to feel good about himself, a way to calm down and feel relaxed. Drawing himself was relaxing? Yes, it was. Drawing himself in a place that he knew made him happy, was his pure reason to stay happy. 

This continued throughout the day. His mom started to get worried about Shu. He didn't leave his bedroom since this morning. She would knock on the door and open it, placing plates of food on Shu's bed.

He would smile in return and eat the food. At least Shu was eating. That was all she was worried about. If Shu was going to eat or not. His mom at least wanted to eat one meal a day alongside a snack. That to her was better than not eating at all.

Shu had had a history of not eating for a couple of days. Maybe because of stress? Maybe just waves of depression? But Shu's mom would always be concerned about him. Not overly concerned, but concerned enough that she knew that Shu's life was in danger if he didn't get the right help.

Shu was the only reason why his mother is alive.

Shu stayed up till 3 am drawing. He was finally sleepy. Though hungry as well. He turned off his music, placed his drawing tablet on his desk, going downstairs to get something to eat. He looked through the food in the fridge, not knowing what to eat. There was some cheesecake. It looked like his mom got it just for him. He looked at it, observing what kind of cheesecake it was or how many flavors there were altogether. He took the container, opened it up, and got himself a few pieces. 

Shu had sat on the counter, eating his cheesecake with a smile. He loved the taste of cheesecake at night, it made him happy.

Shu had maybe forgotten to stream today, but a break couldn't hurt anyone. Sometimes after streaming for so long, his body seems to give in. Making him tired and almost sleeping for days. So today, today is the day that Shu gives himself a break. He most likely will take this break for a while now. School is starting soon, so he should start mentally preparing for that day.

It all started off with a kiss ( Shu x Luca )Where stories live. Discover now