~A Warm Welcome To The Gates~

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Minor blood
Characters: Y/N [They/Them]. X-AL [He/They]. Sophy [Any]. Aster [He/him]. Dom [He/Him]. Solane [He/Him]. Plasma [He/Him]


~A Warm Welcome To The Gates~

Like every year, Y/N received Sophy's October Fun Feast invitation. Y/N opened the beautiful letter, hand written in Sophy's chicken scratch handwriting.

"Dear Y/N! Tiz the time for the weather to get cool, the winds to howl and the spooks and ghouls to prowl! Myself, Dom, Aster and Solane are happy to invite you, our friend, to this year's Spooky Fun Feast! As always, we have our little tasks for you to go through before getting to the final area! We will meet you at the front gates with Plasma, that Acid Predacon you saw at the gates last year, and we'll guide you along the way! I hope you'll enjoy our little fun games!"

Below the main paragraph, Y/N noticed a small "P.S" at the bottom.

"Also! Please remember to let myself, Aster, Dom or Solane know if you see any unusual sightings, or any of the others that aren't where they should be! We don't want you to get hurt!"

Y/N huffed a bit, "Get hurt huh? Last year fucking hurt-" the memory of Plasma panicking and nearly throwing Y/N into an electric fence came to mind at the mention of being hurt...

After shaking it off, Y/N make their way towards the front gates. Only to stop a few yards from the gate, seeing an unknown person. Slowly they approached, stopping a few 100 feet from the front gates, watching the robotic fox with a dragon's tail just lounge within the gate's hall, playing with some still liquidy blood on their sharp claws.

"Ah, welcome. You must be Y/N? Sophy's little friend correct? Well, I am one of the entities, someone you should fear this year~ Heh that rhymes. Anyways, allow me to give you a warm welcome to the blood games this year! Sophy and her brother and their boyfriends are running behind, so I came to help you find your way in~" The unknown entity's voice resembled something like a radio, the mask they wore seemed to distort their voice pretty badly.

Y/N stayed put, unsure of the newcomer they had never met. Did he tell the truth? Was Sophy, Aster and the others running late? It was hard to tell with the entity's words. Deciding to attempt to trust the entity, Y/N nodded slowly, stepping forwards as X-AL stood up, grabbed his scythe from beside him, and pulled Y/N beside him, his long, cold metallic tail pushing Y/N quickly along, avoiding to allow Y/N to notice that Sophy, Aster, Dom, Solane and Plasma were coming up the road behind them... 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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