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short sleepy zandrew fluff :]
not projecting at all right now. nope. not even a little bit.

zubin rolled his hands around on andrew's back, the other holding onto him. "long day?" he asked, voice quiet and gentle as to not rouse him any further from his near slumber.

andrew hummed, shifting some to cuddle with him more, clinging onto zubin's body. "very." his head caught on the crook of zubin's neck. "you don't mind, do you?"

"not at all." his hand found itself in andrew's hair, twirling around a piece and tangling themselves into it. "as long as you're comfortable."

"i'm very comfortable,,," he hugged onto him tighter, and yawned. his body relaxed on zubin's, tensions in the muscles from fear of crushing him leaving. "you're very comfortable."

zubin was not crushed, he never was, and the body weight felt comforting on him. warm and inviting, that was how it felt, and that was how andrew always made him feel. warm and invited. welcomed. loved. he loved him a lot. "i love you a lot, andy."

"i love you a lot too, zubin," andrew replied like he always did, but there was always the same truthfulness to the statement. always the same routine, they always said they loved each other, and it never got any less valid than the last time they did, or the first time.

he felt the slowness of his breathing, his body relaxed and warm ontop of him, slow rhythmic pulsing with each breath. he felt sleepy as well like this. he heard andrew start to snore lightly, barely making any noise, but zubin found it endearing, cute. he would've found it endearing and cute even if it was loud and obnoxious. he thought of everything andrew did in a positive light; he considered him perfect, even if it was impossible. he was perfect for him.

his thoughts about andrew drifted around in his head until he finally drifted off himself.

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