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I am aware that I am not the brightest person, but I suppose that is what makes me.. me? Even when you pretend to feel something on a screen, dealing with insecurities that are beyond your brain's capacity for imagination can wear you down. I wish I hadn't had to learn this the hard way.

"Brooklyn, hurry up—this is your last opportunity." I take a moment to look down the eight story skyscraper. Will today actually be my last day on earth? Do I really want to end this in this manner right now? Before I could even hear my own thoughts someone had pushed me of the railings.

The second fool "life saver" dropped just above me, and I heard a thudding sound as my head hit the ground. "Are you absolutely insane? Where did the idea to jump come from? "asked the stranger. Initially, I wouldn't have responded, but after hearing the stern tone, I wanted to give this goody two shoes the finger.

"I- How's YOUR deal? Did you really believe that if you saved me, I wouldn't attempt again? "I answered. I stood up, Despite his annoyance at the moment, this guy appeared to be kind of cute when I got a close look at him. The eye candy was really calling me with its thin white hair, furrowed brows, and sort of plumped lips. Like a mother reacting to her mischievous child, he scoffed while keeping his hands on his hips.

"No, i didn't, but it's better to stop it from happening than to merely watch it happen", he insisted firmly.

I laughed because I hated these kinds of guys. When the moment is completely wrong, they always have something inspirational to say. I responded, "Get a load of this smart ass," which made him huff and scrunch up his face. 

His chest was puffing up and down, so I could tell he was already more irritated than he should be. I began to take a closer look at his physique and saw that he was somewhat muscular, hence why he was able to raise me so swiftly.

He called out to me, "Hey you little shit, eyes up here," which made me realize that I had been staring longer than was appropriate.

Small shit? Clearly, this stupid, white-haired man wasn't speaking to me. I merely came up here to finish what had already begun, not to hear someone yell at me for shit. I gave him a sour face as I gazed at him "little shit? Who's the little shit because I'm not it, for sure "I said.

He scoffed and came closer to me "I'm talking to YOU. You see I wouldn't care if you died right now but I live here right below where you stand" he hissed.

If he didn't clearly give one fuck before he surely gave one now. Pretty insane way to say buzz off and don't die here but everyone has there reasons.

I rolled my eyes while placing my hand on my hip "You're not very smart are you?"

He stood there and raised his eyebrows for a second, a bit confused at my response. "What the fuck are you talking about?" He said.

"You fucking idiot if I WAS to kill myself that's not something you should say to someone who is SUICIDAL." I scoffed.

Not only was he shit for brains he was a muscle hot guy with shit for brains. "N-No wait.. That doesn't even make sense ..." he spat out. I couldn't hear him clearly after that since I was too busy not wanting to hear his case.

I sighed as he started to explain technically I wasn't suicidal I was just dumb as he was.

"Anyways, I'm taking my leave now. I think you just gave me blue balls to die." I joked.

He slightly laughed and ruffled the back of his hair slightly embarrassed about the whole situation. "I apologize.. probably wasn't the most bright thing to say" he said.

I hummed and we stood in silence for a while. The orange dusk and slightly cool air blew through his hair making him look pretty in a sense. I looked at him once more before I left.

"The fuck are you looking at" he said.

I take back the pretty part. He is a asshole.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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