Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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High school was finally over, here i am just waiting to start collage, to start a fresh, to start a new life. Lying in bed waiting for tomorrow to begin. I wonder whether this will be my chance to shine, whether ill find my mr.right, whether things will be different from high school? Pulling all my thoughts together, The nervousness and the excitement i go to bed and hope for a better tomorrow.

The alarm rang, damn! its 7 a.m im going to be late for my first day of collage. In a hurry i throw on a pair of jeans and a plain pink tshirt, I tie my hair in a messy bun, put on some lipgloss and there i am ready to go. I look in the mirror and I look the same as usual, brown eyes, dark black hair, fair tonned skin, pink lips, i don't look like no film star or one of those girls who walked out of a magazine but i look good for an average normal girl.

. I look in the mirror once again and say to myself "Emma this won't be so bad".

I head downstairs and put on my pair of black snickers.

"Emma have some breakfast before you go," mum shouts across the hallway.

"No mom im running late ill catch you for dinner I promise," i say heading towards the door.

I walk down the street, to the bus stand, the normal routine. Thinking to myself Emma you're 17 you really need to save up and buy a car. I have been saving for a couple of months now and im not so far away from having my own car. The bus arrives and i hop on to it, collage wasn't that long of a ride, i sit at the window and smile at all the possibilities for me. This will be different, this will be a new beginning, a new start.

Here i am, Heritage collage i look at the building , "im finally here" i smile. I wonder who else applied to the same place, I walk through the campus and notice people staring at me, they knew i was a freshman which just made me feel self conscious about myself.

"Emma, Emma wait up!"

i turn behind and look for whose yelling my name.

"OMG!! Arora!! what are you doing here? " i ask her in disbelief. Arora is my best friend in the entire world, she was going to Clinton collage as it was the best, but not many could afford it.

"Im here Emma, I can't go to some boring nerd collage while you guys have fun here," she rolled her eyes.

"Lets get to class drama queen" i laughed.
Arora dressed in her short dress with high heels, her hair perfectly curled, her make up looked like it took her all morning to do. She had a perfectly tanned body and all the curves at the right places, she looked perfect for a first day.

I was so glad Arora was here for me, i didn't have to go through this alone. Arora and I met 7 years ago in middle school, since then we would do everything together. I love her like my sister since i dont have siblings of my own and she means alot to me.

Our first class was Biology, im thinking booooring. Its going to be a long day but well im excited.

"Who do you keep texting Arora?"

"Umm no one" she replied suspiciously

"Really Arora? Really? I've known you long enough to know you're hiding something from me!" she knew i was angry.

"Okay Okay calm down, it's a guy" she smiled

"Hmm, a guy you say, give me the details now!" i demanded

"I met him over summer at a beach party and ever since we've been meeting, texting and calling. He's so cute and I think im in love with him." she blushed "Oops, I dint mean to blurt that out. "

"Arora you will never change, you say that about every guy you meet," i sighed.

"We're going to meet him tonight and you will love him Emma."

"I cant come to a party already Arora, it's just the first day of collage!" i rolled my eyes.

"Please Emma, just give him a chance," she pleaded.

"Okay, Okay! I'll be there just for you Arora but after dinner."

"Yesssss! ill pick you up at 9 Em!" she smiled as she walked away.

Arora has always known me so well, she knew i hated going to parties but she always managed to convince me. She has had alot of boyfriends since middle school, too many to count. She always felt lonely because her family broke apart, Her mum cheated on her dad and left with another man while her dad got so busy becoming rich and dint pay attention to her. She finds her family in me and i seek refuge with her thats how our friendship has lasted so long.

I walk back home just in time for dinner. I was so hungry i could eat a cow. I dint want to miss this dinner because mum has been so busy lately we've hardly spent time together. A home cooked meal after so long, i wonder what she's got in her mind but well I'll go with it. Saucy chicken, mashed potatoes and salsa hmm i really wonder what she's up to, she only does this when she has difficult news to break.

I throw my bag at the sofa, wash my hands and get to the table. "No take out today mum, what's the special occasion? " i smile.

"Well Emma," she said

"Mum before you say anything, I would like to tell you how perfect my life is going and for one day in my life i haven't felt disappointed, " i interrupted "oh! mum you we're going to tell me why we're having such a lovely dinner tonight" i joked.

Well whatever she has to say cant be so bad to ruin my perfect day right? I smile and eagerly wait for her to say what she has to. She looks confused and worried maybe its something serious maybe it's something bad but again i worry too much maybe its nothing.

"Micheal proposed!" she blurted it out.


"I know hun, its sudden and i shouldn't have told you like this but you should know"

"What was your answer mom?" i asked with a teardrop hanging down my eye.

"I - i dont know, i told him to give me some time to think about it, i wanted to know your opinion about it first. "

Micheal had been mum's boyfriend for the past two years, He's a really nice guy and i like him but i dint think im ready to accept someone else as my dad when i know nothing about my own dad. At this moment in time a million thoughts rushed through my head, thoughts i couldnt handle.

Unable to speak i took my bag and stormed out of the door. i feel upset and annoyed, i know she deserves to move on with her life and desreves to be happy but what happens to me? who will i turn to in time of need. I have no idea where my father is, she has never told me about him i kept asking she kept changing the subject till i gave it up. My phone kept buzzing with texts from Arora "Where are you? We're getting late!" I totally forgot i promised to meet her new boyfriend tonight. "Change of plans, im coming to your place A♡" i text her back.

Sitting at the sidewalk, i wonder where my life is heading to. I'm 17, i have no friends except Arora, i have no family except mum and she's going to be gone also, i have no one to turn to...why does it have to be so hard?
Tears fall from my cheeks as i walk to Arora's place, There goes my perfect day down the drain...

Hey guys...This is the first thing I've ever written, feel free to tell me your views about it. Your feedback will be highly appreciated! :) xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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