A world with only victor's

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Chapter 12

The next morning came around and both Fallen's were the first to wake up. They both stretched out their muscles after their cozy sleep.

The both of them got out of bed and they started to get dressed. "Geez Kalawarner, just how much bigger do you plan on getting?" Raynare asked.

Kalawarner looked over at Raynare. She narrowed her eyes seductively. "Ahhh, is little Raynare starting to get jealous?"

Raynare clenched her fist next to her head. "I am going to kill you Kalawarner that is a promise." Kalawarner just laughed at her little outrage.

They got dressed and they headed out into the living room. "We better be quiet so we don't wake anyone up," Raynare whispered.

As they reached the living room they both jumped from seeing Madara sitting in that chair reading that same book. "I forgot you don't sleep since we might get attacked," Raynare said.

"Ohhh, please Mr. Holy Sword don't stick that there," Freed said in his sleep.

Raynare looked over at Freed and saw he was cuddling with the Holy Sword he took. "You disgusting piece of shit." Kalawarner laughed at this.

"What is wrong with him?" Raynare asked with disgust.

"I don't know, and I don't care. He's been doing this the entire night, so don't ask me." Madara said casually.

Raynare facepalmed herself. "Oh, where's the failure at?"

"I told him to go home."

Raynare just shrugged her shoulders at this. "Let me guess, my Lord. Your next words are going to be wake up Asia and get ready for school?"

"Impressive, you're getting the hang of it now," Madara said as he closed his book and stood up from his seat.

Raynare went over to go wake up Asia from her slumber.

After she did that, she went back to the living room and woke up Freed. They all got ready and left for school. After a long walk, they reached the school grounds and entered the building.

Madara and his group were in the classroom. Kalawarner and everyone were on the side of the classroom sitting down and listening to their Master do his job.

Madara was taking attendance as this new life of his was different. It was somewhat peaceful to living an ordinary life like this, but deep down, there was just something off about this life he was enjoying. Before he could dive deeper into this, he noticed that someone was missing. "It seems that Hyoudou is late again." As he said this, the doors opened up where Issei stepped in.

Madara looked over at Issei with an intimidating expression. "Sorry, I'm late." He said as he scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Go sit down, you failure," Raynare said with a little attitude.

"Now, that everyone is here, let me make an announcement. We are going to Kyoto next week so be prepared. I don't want anyone complaining that you haven't packed everything for the trip."

The whole class cheered at this. "WOOO, you are a cool teacher, Mr. Uchiha!" A male student yelled.

Madara just had a serious expression through all this. Issei was confused for a second until it clicked into him. "Oh, shit! We're gonna go see the Nine-Tailed F-" Raynare punched him in the gut.

[You fucking fool! can't you keep quiet about some stuff?]

"Uhm, Ms. Raynare? Was that necessary?" Murayama asked.

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