Auvilan's Story

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In the Beginning

Auvilan Yuuh was born on Earth and was the middle child of his family. Due to his position, he was often overlooked while his parents would dote on the youngest and guide the oldest. Did they ever bother to give him much attention? Unfortunately, no.

The only person that Auvilan had that cared was his grandfather. He was a firm and fairly strict man, but still clearly cared about his grandchildren. He was the only one that noticed Auvilan's lack of attention, and tended to soften a bit around him. At one point, he had given Auvilan his ring with an alexandrite gem, considering they both shared the same birthstone. Even if it was too big to wear at the time, seeing as he was only 8, Auvilan cherished it.

However, the familial bond they had came to a sudden end when he and his brothers were out in town with their grandfather, one day. Both of his brothers went on ahead and crossed the street, but Auvilan stayed behind with his grandfather, not wanting to be near them. When it was their turn to cross, a speeding car came down the road when they were halfway across. He felt a force shove him forward, before tires screeched in the background. To the boy's horror, his grandfather had saved him, but took the hit instead. From that day into the present, his family, mainly his brothers, have since blamed Auvilan for their grandfather's death. They said that it was his fault for not paying attention and for lagging behind, instead of crossing with them. Since then, the guilt has still lingered, and the only thing he has left is the alexandrite ring that he now wears.

By the age of 10, his parents left to go handle business for their jobs in another country. They planned to only be gone for a year or two and so the three kids were left with their grandmother. The strict elderly woman made sure to straighten them up, whether they liked it or not. This was about the only time that Auvilan received almost equal amount of attention as his siblings; albeit, negative attention. Since his grandfather was gone, being under that roof became unbearable. Every day, the three of them were expected to behave properly and maintain nothing but perfect grades. They worked all day and whatever free time they had, they were expected to use it properly like studying or finishing up chores, and were never really allowed to play. After 2 years of this cycle, Auvilan and his brothers moved back to live with their parents once they returned.

At around age 11, Auvilan had made a friend in school and the two seemed to get along just fine at first. However, as time passed, his friend started changing. He grew more manipulative, selfish, and controlling. He began to feel as though he were meant to be superior over Auvilan and had manipulated him into believing he must be inferior to him. This went on until Auvilan turned 15, where he finally decided he'd had enough and left his friend. Unfortunately, because of his ties with his former friend, it left others to think negatively of him. Being around his friend had also caused him to become more quiet and distrusting of others. Still, he tries to hold on to his old cheeky, friendly and somewhat social side.

Right at the age of 14, Auvilan started to experiment with his appearance. He dyed the tips of his hair, pierced his ears, and had gotten tattoos of his zodiac signs on his hands. Despite the constant mocking from others over his appearance, especially his unnatural eye color, and smaller physique, Auvilan spent the next 2 years trying to work hard on becoming a photographer while also dabbling into music as another hobby. Still, his parents and brothers never fully acknowledged his work and after he had cut the ties with his friend, he started to fully realize how alone he was once he turned 16.

Bonus Info/Author's Note: I doubt I'm going to continue the Twisted Wonderland stuff. So, this is more so just extra info now. It's not exactly canonical anymore. Whatever I write of Auvilan will likely be away from the TWST universe and back on Earth.

Arrival to Wonderland

It all started one day when Auvilan began to feel strange. He started coughing, his body ached and his head hurt. After a week, his symptoms started to grow worse and painful. He remembered, that night on the seventh day, staggering and climbing into bed, hoping this sickness would wear off after some rest. Although, little did he know that once he fell into his pained slumbers, he would not awaken again and he would draw a final, chilled breath.

The darkness was all that Auvilan could see in his sleep. He was slowly falling into a void until a flash of light appeared. The light flickered before a hand reached out from the darkness.
"No matter what, never let go of my hand," a mysterious voice had said.
Auvilan reached out and grasped the other's hand before his vision blurred and he was drowned in the darkness, once more.

From there, his journey through the magic mirror began.

Auvilan Yuuh Where stories live. Discover now