The Clown Versus

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[A/n] This wasn't double checked for grammar mistakes, it was like 4am when I finished it, published it to quotev, went to work, and then passed out as soon as I got back home. I need a beta reader smh.

Other than openly admitting that M/n's name in his phone was "Slut Faced Hoe Bag," Ben wasn't nearly as unbearable to hangout with as initially expected. Not that M/n thought he was horrible or anything, it's just that his poor social battery could only take so much. He looked draining to be around, maybe it was because he was a blonde. M/n should've known what was up the second Ben asked him if he smoked pot, stoners can't be high-maintenance. That's, like, illegal.

   Now that he was working again, sooner than expected which he didn't know whether to be relieved or at the very least mildly annoyed at the scheduling inconsistency, he adored every minute spent with Sally. Everyone else his free time was divided up to, even his parents, had their faults. Either they coddled him or refused to get too close, either they rarely showed up or they were bumming out at his place, they were too closed off or wouldn't leave him alone. Don't get him wrong he found himself enjoying the attention at times, but after years of being alone it became overwhelming.

   Sally was consistent enough, and a fluid enough character in his day to day life that it didn't take long for him to realize that she was probably the thing he missed most being stuck in his house for so long. Is that weird? That's weird. He wondered if it was some internal fatherly part of him, but he never imagined himself having kids. Even before his life fell apart, I mean to be fair he was like thirteen when that happened and no thirteen year old boy had babies on the brain. Only Pokemon and Call of Duty.

   M/n had just finished ringing up a trucker, Danny, someone he recognized as a semi-regular. He only stopped by maybe once or twice a month, but he always made small talk and tipped him a dollar or two on the days he was looking a bit rough. M/n had no dignity, a pity tip was still a tip and he never denied extra cash.

   "Think I can get a discount?" He chuckled, stroking his bushy red beaded monotonously as he pulled his wallet from his back pocket.

   "I don't know, Dan." M/n replied, already applying his employee discount to Danny's purchase before totaling it out. "Do you deserve a discount?"

   Dan smiled. "Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes were?" Emphasizing his southern drawl as he spoke.

   M/n looked up at him with furrowed brows before beginning to laugh once he realized he was trying to flirt his way into a discount. "Fine, fine, you've convinced me." The pin pad displaying his list of items added the discount and Dan seemed content, handing him the appropriate amount of cash and poking a little extra in a tin can labeled 'Tips,' on the counter. "Don't ever do that again."

   Danny laughed, taking his bag from M/n before nodding. "Gotcha, you take care, alright?" It was M/n's turn to nod as he clasped his good arm. Leaving without another word M/n sighed as he watched him walk off towards his semi, pulling a pack of cigs off the shelf behind them, unwrapping it and smacking it against his cast a few times. It didn't hurt anymore, he wouldn't have scheduled to get it off tomorrow if it did, nowadays he was sort of just using it to his advantage. From opening beer bottles, to breaking the little bit of ice still left in his freezer when it froze together. He used it to give someone a concussion recently. It was like having a club permanently in place of your forearm.

   As he continued to smack the box around the fluorescent lights above him began to flicker. Possible faulty wiring aside, he didn't like the vibes. He considered that he was just overly paranoid after being violated here not too long ago, but the mime staring at him from the other side of the closed glass doors sorta squashed that. It only reassured him that he was justifiably paranoid. As he internally chastised himself over how he always seemed to ignore his gut instinct he looked away from the guy and continued to pull out a cig and light it.

Cashiering isn't so bad [Creepypasta/Marble Hornets x Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now