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The boys left together and drove back home.

"I'm so tired.. For no reason!"  YeonJun said as he stepped inside the house followed by the rest of the members.

"I agree, but seriously today was fun.."  Taehyun admitted.

"Glad we could make your day worth it!" Beomgyu said while he hugged Taehyun from the back with a big grin.

"Yeah! Right! It was so awesome!" Kai agreed with a smile plastered on his lips.

"I'm going to take a nap in the room." Taehyun said.

"Okay Tyun! See ya! rest well!" Beomgyu responded letting go of Taehyun.

Taehyun went upstairs then went into the room and took a nap like he said he was.

"What do you guys want to do?" Beomgyu asked.

"Sleep." Y
"Go to sleep." S
"Nap." K

"Okay, then I'll go to sleep too." Beomgyu responded.

All the boys then fell asleep.


Taehyun woke up from his 41 minute nap then made his way down stairs.

Taehyun wasn't shocked when he saw all his friends sleeping downstairs but knowing Beomgyu could be up he was a little suspicious and made sure to watch out for jump scares.

Taehyun didn't know what he was really doing downstairs but he decided to look around the house since he has only seen the kitchen, guest room, Beomgyu's room, bathroom, and the living room.

Taehyun found an office, a small storage room, and a library that was at the back. But what stood out the most was the backyard that was more of a garden but was really pretty.

Taehyun decided to sit down on one of the benches outside and enjoy the nice breeze and let his thoughts rush away.

Without the stress in Taehyun's mind he was calm..

Beomgyu woke up then went downstairs.

Beomgyu wanted to check on Taehyun but was fine either way, checking him or not.

Beomgyu realized the garden would be the best place to be at the moment since he likes going there alone if not with his mother.

What Beomgyu didn't expect was Taehyun outside sitting down.

"Tyun?" Beomgyu asked looking directly at Taehyun.

Taehyun looked at Beomgyu then gave him a warm smile.

"I guess you found our backyard huh?" Beomgyu asked.

"I little obvious... But yeah, it's so relaxing..." Taehyun admitted.

Beomgyu gave Taehyun a chuckle in return then looked at the sky.

They sat there comfortably enjoying the breeze together with all their thoughts going away at the moment.

"Beomgyu, thank you again!" Taehyun randomly said.

"You're welcome! But why?" Beomgyu asked.

"For everything! I'm truly grateful for you and I can't believe I did all those wrong things to you.. Even though you clearly have forgiven me I won't forgive myself.. yet you do make me happy and made me happier than how I was with Soobin and Kai, no offense.. but you do make me smile!" Taehyun explained.

"You're welcome Taehyun.." Beomgyu replied hugging Taehyun.

Taehyun hugged back with a big smile on his face.

Taehyun was actually happy that he could become friends with Beomgyu and YeonJun, he never really thought it would work out but it worked out for him in the best way possible.

Taehyun was forever grateful for the 4 boys they made his day everyday, the reasons for his smile, and non the less- was just happy..

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