part 20

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A/N pov

She walk toward that person but stop when she saw her in worker cloth , her heart skip a beat . She saw her struggling to carry clothes . The lady was scolding her unnecessarily before she could slap her . Y/n dashed there and snatch all clothes in one go and throw them all on that rude lady . She stumble and fall and y/n hug that women 

Y/N : w..why did u leave eomma
Mom : y..y/n
Y/N : w..we miss u * tears start flowing * u should have talk to me
Mom : i..i am sorry . I thought u all would be happy if i left
Y/N : how can u say this . How could we stay happy without u

Y/n turn toward that lady and throw glare on her

Y/N : Don't . U . Dare . To . Raise . Ur . Voice . Infront . Of . ME
@@@ : who u are huh
Y/N : who am i . I am THE Y/N . KIM Y/N . owner of YLL and the most young and famous painter all over world .
@@@ : u..u are y/n . Ohmo miss i am such a big fan of u can i have ur autograph

She pushed y/n aside and cling on y/n . Y/n push her away and dust of her dress .

Y/N : the lady u just disrespect is my mother . Her husband is retired ceo of kim industry's her 7 sons are super wealthy and then me my everything is my moms and my mom her own is very hardworking not like u who is living on her bfs money . SHE'S MY MOTHER . HIGH STANDARD . HIGH CLASS . FILTHY RICH BUT RESPECTIVE NATURE

Y/n drag her mom with her and went to others

Mom : y/n nooo don't they wouldn't like me
Y/N : who said
Mom : i..ik
Y/N : it's ur insecurities come on u gotta daughter for nothin'

She again drag her . Soon , she saw her father and brother but they are worried , scared where did she go . As she went to them . They engulf her in tight bone breaking hug .

Dad : where were u dear . U scared us
Vminkook : are u a kid or what is this any place to run
Jin :howdareutoleaveuslikethatiwillnottakeanykindofcarelessactareuakidwhoranawayforacandygrowupubratugottabigassfuckingempirewhyevenruinningforacandyifuwantitthenuswouldhaveaskmeiwouldhaveboughtit
Suga : man chillax , she's here breathe , human needs to survive with oxygen and even if u are pig u still need it

Everyone suppressed there laughter .

Jin : yahhh~ i am elder u brat
Suga : yeah yeah so , doll where were u
Y/N : i bought something which make u super duper legendary happy especially appa
Hobi : a gift
Vminkook : pS5
Rm : if it makes appa happy then i think new model of car
Y/N : no it's...................eomma

She call her . Y/m slowly unwantedly came . Everyone was shocked , happy , guilty . She came and stand beside y/n

Y/m : i..i am sorry . I just left . I..i thought u..u all would be f..fine without me . I didn't mean to hurt any of urs feeling . I am sorry plz fo.....

Everyone engulf her in comforting hug . Mr kim broke in tears .

Mr kim : Don't be sorry . I am sorry for what i did . It was all my fault
Y/m : no it was mine i am sorry
Bts : it was our fault mom
Y/N : heyyyyy!!! It was time , situation and destiny fault . None of us okay . I am happy that we are one again .

They did a group hug and left to their hotel rooms

Mr kim and mom

Hyung line

Maknaes line

Y/n : i am so happy today
V : me too
Jimin : me three
Jk : me four
Y/N : but..........i am sacred too maybe my happiness didn't last long
Jimin : Don't think too much sis
V : just enjoy the time
Jk : and let's eat the one of my fav work
Y/N : count me in
Vmin : us too

They all ran toward hotel food section took alot of food like they didn't get food from years and start eating . They were eating so fast that they might chock but still , there chennai express didn't stop untill a rough hand slap vminkook back and a smack on y/n head

Vyminkook : aoooooooooo~
Suga : what aooo , first u were eating like a aninal now making sound like them too
Vyminkook : imma hungrwww
Suga : so , if u are hungry u will eat like that
Y/N : bro we spend alot of money that's how , we are using it to take back uk right brothers

Vminkook nod there head . Others came too and took there seats

Mom : so , how is life
Jin : tiring
Suga : suck
Rm : exhausting
Hobi : fine
Jimin : amajin
V : superb
Jk : exciting
Dad : pain in ass
Y/N : busy
Mom : wow , different answer . What are u doing here
Jimin : we saw that mouchi is going to be crazy
V : if she work nonstop that's how she was doing
Jin : so we decide to have a family trip
Mr kim : we choose this place and came here
Suga : well flight was exhausting , but i am glad it wasn't waste
Rm : and we all need break from work
Hobi : especially our baby sis

Y/n pout . They all coo . Y/m was happy seeing there interaction . They were talking untill y/n saw someone . She ran behind that person as fast she can , the person sense her presence and look back , y/n saw the face clearly . She run more faster . The person enter in blocks so , did y/n the person climb pipe and start running on house terrace jumping from one building to another . The person look back but didn't saw her . He finally stop in alley caught his breath . He saw 2 feets infront of him/her . As , he look at the person . It was y/n burning in anger , sweating but not short of breath like him cos she still have the same strength . She used to be queen for nothing and she's still before , he/she could away . She kick his/her leg and he/she feel down . Grab his/her leg winch in pain . Y/n pull the person up by the collar of his/her shirt

Y/N : why did u do this


So , who do u think was the person tell me in comment section and don't want forget to click on the ☆

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