i lied unfolding the truth

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The kohli mansion was being decorated for sid and prachi's engagement as told by the head of the family Pallavi kohli.the previous day when ganpati arrived at their house they thought that vignaharta will take all their vignas with him but as said once a fool always a fool they took the decision in their own hands and hence decided to arrange Prachi and sid's wedding.no doubt they didn't trust Prachi when they couldn't trust vignaharta the God who takes away all our obstacles from life and makes it again peaceful without waiting to let him do his work they took decision

On the other hand Pallavi kohli who was arranging this marriage reasoned the kohli family that she was doing this for her family's well being so that in future no difficulties would be in the life of her children yeah that's what she said "her children" but all what she cared about was her so called reputation which would be stained if world gets to know what was going on in her family and as usual pallavi's puppet cum husband Vikram kohli easily agreed and stated the same reason as Pallavi as he also didn't knew why was he ready for such a blunder

Coming to her so called bahu(daughter-in-law) and her dear friend alia there happiness knew no bounds which proved that they were a total sadist  besides that looking at them someone would definitely say that they are experiencing schadenfreude (the person who gets happy seeing people getting hurt) there main motive was to oust Prachi from the house as well as from Ranbir's heart the 1st one though was incomplete but they were successful in completing the latter one

Talking about Ranbir's condition he was sad and hurt hearing that his wife is going to marry his brother that to infront of his eyes with all the rituals which he never did with her except the engagement one which the world was still unaware of while dida was feeling helpless as always I guess she's right what can she do she can neither scold Pallavi or her husband which fortunately or unfortunately happens to be her son why?what why how can she scold her dearly daughter-in-law and son what if they oust her from house which is fortunately on her name.no matter what they do dida is always helpless.
Ok let's not talk about her

Kohli's Mansion

Sid was watching the decoraters decorating the living room for his engagement while munching an apple Ranbir who was passing by saw his chilled look and remembered what he said when he came in the kohli mansion and approached him angrily

"you look so happy sid ,don't you"asked an angry Ranbir with a fake smile
"Why does it concern you"replied sid casually
"No thought to ask you you must be happy marrying 'my wife' which you wished for since you saw her" said Ranbir emphasizing on 'my wife'
"Sorry Mr you are mistaken I'm marrying Prachi not Rhea"said sid while taking another bite from his apple
"I'm also talking about Prachi not Rhea and Prachi is my wife"said Ranbir with somewhat confused look
"As much I remember Mr kohli you married Rhea so according to it Rhea is your wife yeah she's an illegal wife that's a different thing but what matters is that you married her and she's your wife,isn't she Mr kohli"said sid directly making an eye contact with him
"But I didn't divorced Prachi" replied Ranbir "oh Mr kohli you should be behind the bars then as according to law you can't marry another woman till you're divorced with your first wife"said sid getting slightly angry remembering Ranbir's deed hearing it Ranbir got angry
"Aren't you ashamed sid you made your brother's wife pregnant knowing that she is still married to your brother you had an illecit relation with her aren't you ashamed to stand infront of us with no guilt in your eyes"this time anger dripping from Ranbir's voice while his heart clenched saying it/hearing it
"Same goes with you Ranbir weren't you ashamed to marry your own sister-in-law and then sleeping with her and cherry on the top you made her pregnant, you've no right to blame me you were the one who crossed all the limits you didn't believe your own brother and wife and broke all ties you were the one who got married to my wife first and then made her pregnant that's the same thing but I did  vice versa  I got Prachi pregnant first and then I'm Marrying her so aren't the scores settled"said sid which only enraged ranbir but he didn't stop and continued
"Why aren't you accepting me when Prachi accepted you and forgived you when you married rhea her own twin sister and made her pregnant Prachi is accepting rhea's and your's baby then why can't you accept my and Prachi's baby why can't you accept my and Prachi's wedding when Prachi accepted your's and rhea's wedding you are all fine with sharing you brother's wife but not fine with sharing your wife with your brother why Ranbir why give me answers I need them answer me Ranbir answer me"sid kept asking for answers and ranbir blocked his ears unable to face the truth finally he screamed he's scream gathered whole family in the living room

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