ii. i love gossip

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I love gossip

I love gossip

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'✭.<Alex Ivory>.*•
jokes 'bout senseless cruelty, that's for sure

"If it makes you stop talking then fine." Alora spat as she took a seat next to me, Mattheo chuckled and we began moving towards the castle.

"So I heard some rumors about Tessa Graves." I said, they looked at me confused, "who?" Mattheo said as he kept scratching his arm aggressively. "The girl you were with last year. Light brownish hair, pale, taller, Hufflepuff?" He shook his head.

"She was the one who willingly did your homework, and all projects?" They all shrugged before Mattheo finally remembered. "Oh yeah, she was absolutely obsessed with me, told everyone that we were dating." Alora snickers and Mattheo looked at her. "Something funny, Ivory?"

Alora lays back crossing her arms with a smirk, "only mentally insane people like boys who are a red flag basically like you, Mattheo." Lorenzo looked over at him with his mouth agape while Theodore lit up a cigarette. "Is that why you like me so much, Ivory?" Mattheo faked gasped.

"Ha! Please, don't flatter yourself Mattheo. Trust me you are not even my type." She explained, which brought me back when we were little. Alora had the biggest crush on Mattheo, whenever I brought him over she would be so excited.

"Come on Lora what about-" she stepped on my foot all hard and I could feel something break. She looked at me angry and I knew to keep my mouth shut. "Let me guess, your type is Tristan Erdos?" Theodore said as he blew smoke out.

Alora ignored him before I finally spoke up, "You know what we need is a party to start off the new year." Alora scoffed while the others nodded. "Fuck why not. This will be better than Parkinson's." Theodore said, Lorenzo shrugged. "Yeah but they are fun like remember when Mattheo chugged an entire carton of milk and when you asked him for some he was like-"

Then the four of us said in unison, "no dude friends don't share dairy." We laughed and I looked over at Alora rolling her eyes. "Merlin save me from these idiots."

The drive went on for a bit and we finally arrived at Hogwarts, our stuff was taken to our dorms by the house elves which we walked to the great hall, and we did all the little first years stuff before we finally got time to eat.

"Hey, Alex is your sister dating Erdos?" Theodore asked, I looked at him confused before he pointed over at the Ravenclaw table with his spoon which was dripping of soup. I looked over to see them laughing. I shrugged it off and focused on eating. "No, they're just friends. I mean they have known each other for so long that they just have gotten close. That's all." My tone sounded like I was not sure myself.

"Yeah, that doesn't look they are just friends, Alex." Lorenzo said while turning back to look at them. He had his arm around her body and she didn't even seem bothered. I feel my grip tightened on my fork.

I mean why wouldn't she tell me? I'm her older brother and we tell each other everything no matter what and to think that if they were together which I'm not saying they are. She would have told me!

"Thinking of it Alex, she was bothered the whole time when we mentioned Erdos name, she was like defending his honor." Mattheo explained as the other two agreed. I shook my head, "No no no, they are just friends. That's all. Nothing else."

They all looked at each other and said nothing. They are just trying to make me overthink everything, Alora dating Tristan? No way. Not on my watch.

And unfortunately after we ate I had potions and you will not fucking believe who I sit next too. Tristan Erdos. Kill me now. But I guess this could give me time to get some answers.

While Slughorn was teaching the class, who was talking way too slow. I tapped on the desk to get his attention. He looked over at me raising his eyebrows in disgust. "Need something?" He whispered annoyed. Oh yeah I do need something. Information.

"You and Alora seemed to be getting comfy at the great hall. What is up with that." I asked, he rolled his eyes and ignored me. "Look man I get that we aren't as close anymore but that's my sister who we are talking about so I deserve to know."

He laughed and crossed his arms putting it on the table. "If we were then I doubt she would tell you, I mean she doesn't even trust you." Alora doesn't trust me! Bullshit! I mean she is my sister we know every little damn thing about it one another and he is saying that she doesn't trust me , please.

"I don't know who you think you are, Erdos but you don't know anything." I spat, he tilted his head confused and shook his head. "Don't act like you are so intimidating, Alex. Just because you are friends with Mattheo and the other bastards doesn't mean that makes you like them. You will never be like them."

I looked at him and he didn't even seem to care what he said, it was like he actually meant it. Maybe Mattheo, Theodore and Lorenzo were right, Tristan changed. Something changed about him.

I packed all my stuff up and I heard Slughorn calling after me, "Mister Ivory...class isn't done yet..." he said. I waved him off and ran to the black lake which Mattheo is setting up for the party.

"What's with you, Ivory?" He said as he sat on the ground. "Tristan just make me so fucking...ugh!" I dropped my stuff kicking it away from me and I see he pulls out a cigarette, lighting it.

"I told you Alex, that bastard thinks he is so mysterious and shit. I just think it's time to shut him up for good." He said with smoke coming
out. "But a prank isn't gonna scare him, and Alora would be pissed."

"Confront him at the party. Everyone knows Erdos hates conflict." He said as he smiled mischievously.


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