A change that was unexpected but prized for?

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3 rd person

It was a warm breazing day in Konahagure no Sato known as Leaf Village. This village was known for it's history and powerful reputation. Since very foundation village was protected by very powerful shinobies that was raized in Leaf. For example three Hokages the leadears of the shinobi village managed to gain tittle of God of Shinobi that only proved that Konoha truly was invinciple.

All of hokages very strong in their own rights and all of them were respected and feared by their friends and enemies. However even so this place might sound like heaven to some, it was certainly not for one blond boy, who was known as "Demon Brat". 

But why? We may ask. Well 6 years ago Kyuubi no Kitsune attacked the village seemingly out of no where. Great loss of lives and damage Leaf suffored, thus made citizens of konoha hate the very being of demon fox. What they managed to assume wrongly tho is that boy that was hated was not the reincarnate of Kyuubi but it's container. But civilians were too stupid for that and hateful to the point the tried to kill Naruto even. 

This hate of course was not ignored by the Naruto who always wondered why he was hatem for something he never did? He knew about the Kyuubi and yet he could understand why villagers thought of his as the nine-tailed fox? He was certainly not a fox that can destroy whole mountains with just swipe of it's tails. Heck he doesn't even stand out of normalcy, minus the wisker marks. 

He theoritized that maybe fox was sealed inside of him. Naruto wasn't stupid quite the opposite actually, when it comes in terms of intellegence Naruto is not one to mess up with. So Naruto was able to conclude that he was Kyuubis jailer. Thus, it didn't ease his pain or sufforing even a bit, but at least he could see the reason behind his haters actions. 

He just wanted them to see his as human. He swore that he will make them see him as Naruto Uzimaki not some bloodthirsty beast. He just frowned no matter how many times he said it straight to their faces, thus only made them more furious. More over Naruto learned to never cry or shout, normally these actions only given civilians more nergy to beat up Naruto more. 

Naruto always asked his jiji Lode Third, unfortunately his old man can't say anything to him for personal reasons. Naruto understood his leader reasoning, still it hurt that he wasn't being trusted for a big secret. But Naruto just stopped being curious about his parents and fox. Though his jiji said that indeed fox was sealed inside Naruto. 

Right now Naruto was chased into village outskirts where no one could help him. It was usual strategy of civilians, they knew about his speed and stamina, being able to outrun literal Anbu's. Since Naruto was able to hide or run away from the mob consisting from many civilians and even some shinobies. 

Naruto finally was courned in dead-end of outskirts in Forest, where no one would find him. However he wasn't going to give up his life or that he ws going to die. Even if his body would be broken, his will of fire and spirit would burn as bright as ever. Those beating only increased Naruto's determination to prove them wrong that he wasn't demon but a strong shinobi. 

After Naruto was beaten to near death. Fortunately he learned how to fake his uncounsioness state perfectly, that made him able to ease civilians "fox hunt". Naruto knew about that at 10 October when village celebrated the defeat of nine-tails. 

Luckily for Naruto due to his mastery of "death state" he managed to remain woken up. He could feel his wounds healed. Over his childhood naruto learned how to heal himself on his own. Since hosbitals wouldn't accept him, moreover some even tried to worsen his condition or tried to kill him on the spot. It harmed Naruto to no end but he had will of fire to walk through this path with proudness that he had 0 regrets in his live. 

Unlike kids his age that were playing nija and toys. Naruto already knew that in futute he had to resort to killing to insure his survival in this hostile world of ninjas. That why Naruto wanted to start his training, Naruto thought about asking Lord Third to teach him jutsu that would hide his true apperance. 

All of these should wait for now. Naruto wanted to go home and then get stronger so he would protect himself, village, his friends and love ones. He will become the greatest shinobi and Hokage that there will ever be for enernity believe it!

The only problem that Naruto got so far is not knowing his surrounding, which was worrying . Naruto taught himselg to pay attention, since he heard that lacking off this thing might get you killed. That why his eyes and ears were settled to detect tiniest of actions. 

The blond huffed in dismay. The fact that he was now walking for hours frustrated him. He felt as if he was circling around forest not progressing to go to his room anyhow. That somewhat stroke fear in his, Naruto wanted to come back. Naruto dismissed this thoughts, they won't get him anywhere. 

Somehow he found a strange place. He could see it was a beatiful land with flowers on grass and silky ground. Somewhat it calmed down furious blond that wanted sleep. Naruto approached the weirdest thing in this sacred place. A stone with an huge like really huge ancient teaching on it. Naruto went on and out of curiosity read it. 

"To whoever finds this sacred place, you must know that you found my legacy. Thus, making you worthy of what lays in this stone. I intrust you, whoever you are to use my gift wisely. Though this place can be found by a miracle, you might not be worthy of my power, if you are not that I shall warn that attempting this ritual will be suicidal. But to one that is worhy I will rephrase my previous statement. To whoever are worthy shall gain my full strength, powers, abilities with knowlenge and memoriesa alongside chakra and other things. To activate the process just pour your chakra into the stone and you will become truly strong or be killed in process. If anyone from Leaf Village acquires my power then use it to protect village and become greatest Hokage in History"

Signed by Madara Uchina aka the Ghost of Uchiha. 

After reading the whole postement Naruto couldn't help but doubt. I mean get him Madara was proclaimed dead soon after his fight with Hashirama. There is a chance that this might be true, but it's very slim. Naruto knew who Madara was. He was the strongest Uchiha to ever been born to this day. He is both feared and respected. There is no way that simple stone can give someone strength and abilities. It's simply wasn't possible. 

But curiosity was eating Naruto up, he just couldn't help but to try. It would go either ways nothing happens, he dies or miralocously gains Madara's power...yeah sure no way. 

Naruto give in to his curiosity, he hoped that he won't die or at least nothing happens. He made it out to the rock and place his hand on the rock. He poured chakra into the stone, thus starting the progress mentioned in the scroll. Naruto waited for five minutes. Then he signed, he knew that it wouldn't work. But when Naruto was about to start moving something happened. 

In an instant a huge amount of power searches though Naruto making him feel like he was in pain and it felt like he was stabbed by a thousants of senbones. Naruto just couldn't hep his pain. He felt as if his body was crashed and will undergo changes that will forever change him but in a good way. 

Due to sheer pain and power that pulsed through Naruto his mind decided to shut out so the body and the new found power and memories will perfectly absorbed. 

How will this affect Naruto, his village and the world. Find out in the next episode of D- next chapter. To be continued...

The one who will save world: Naruto Madara UzimakiWhere stories live. Discover now