Sick // 6 ✔️

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Y/N was asleep in the hotel room, Soobin and Jisung next to her. The three groups were on tour. Unable to leave her behind, because of past babysitter experiences, they agreed that they would let her go with Stray Kids and TXT, who were touring the same places at the same time.

Then she woke up, at 1 am in the morning, with a funny feeling in her stomach. In a split second, the six year old knew what was happening and ran to the bathroom. She spilled her guts into the toilet bowl, reaching just in time. Soobin and Jisung, being light sleepers, heard the noise and got up to investigate.

The moment they saw Y/N in the bathroom, they crouched next to her, Jisung holding her hair up and Soobin rubbing her back.

"I think we should call Jin Hyung." Soobin said worriedly, when Y/N showed no signs of stopping after ten minutes.

"Hello?" Jins voice sounded. "It's 5 am."

Then he heard puking.

"Sung? Everything alright?'

"Uh. We got a situation, hyung." Jisung said nervously. "Y/N got up in the middle of the night and starting puking."

"Shit." Jin said, a little too loudly, waking Jungkook. "Uh... When did it start?"

"T-ten minutes ago." Jisung stuttered. Jin swore again.

"Hyung?" They could hear Jungkook from the other side of the line. "What's happening."

"Y/N is sick." Jin said. "Um-
Gukk, I need to go. You and the vocal line can split my lines."

"Hyung, she passed out!" Soobin said frantically, making Jin move faster.


Y/N was still passed out when Jin arrived. He knocked on the hotel door, praying she wasn't dead. Chan opened the door. All the siblings had been called to the room when she'd passed out.

"Is she going to be okay?" He asked Jin tearily.

"I don't know." Jin said. "Let's take her to the hospital.


"She has bad food poisoning." The doctor said. Luckily, they'd found a Korean speaking doctor.. "It happens either when you're not accustomed to the food in the country, or there's something bad in the food. Maybe don't give her so much of American food. She had a severe reaction, so I suggest taking her back home, and slowly accustoming her to this food."

"Alright. Thank you sir." Jin said. Y/N, now awake, sat on Chan's lap, looking pale and drowsy. "Come on, let's go."

"Hyung, don't you need to go back to the tour?" Felix asked worriedly. Jin shook his head.

"I'm taking Y/N back to Korea."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." No one could argue with Jin. So, the next day, Jin and Y/N flew back to Korea. Y/N was happy. She was back at a familiar.

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