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[This chapter is dedicated to NumbChucks_ for being so awesome and hella rad! ♡]

Fifth Call


Ring ring.


"Veggie Boy,"

"Are you ever going to let go of that?"


"Great. So how did that essay go?"

"Ugh, terrible. I had no freaking idea the Vietnam war was that long!"

"Uh, yeah it was like a few years long." Harry replied sarcastically.

"In other words, SNORE! I'm not a fan of U.S. History."

"Then what do you like? Y'know, something you actually try in."

"Mm... English."


"Yeah, I atually don't fall asleep in that class."

"You shouldn't be sleeping in any of your classes."

"What are you my mom? I get bored and sleepy, sue me."

Harry rolled his eyes. As usual.

Rooney. "What's your favorite subject?"

"Um... I don't really have a core-based subject that's my favorite. More like an elective."


"I like choir."

"Like, 'preach to the choir'? You sing?"

"I dabble."

"That explains the Disney obsession. I can just imagine you singing around to Frozen in a green sweater and muching on a tree branch. The image is adorable."

"You have a weird imagination."

"Don't we all though?"

"I suppose."


Rooney again. "Tell me something else."


"... Is there anything you're afraid of?"

"Uh, spiders?"

"No, doofus, deeper than that."

Harry swallowed in thought. No one ever asked these kinds of questions, he wasn't used to it. Rooney was making him think, so after a moment of assessment, he came up with a seemingly adequate response. "Change."

"'Change'?" Rooney echoed.

"Change." Harry affirmed.

"Please elaborate, señor."

"Well um, I guess... I guess I'm just scared of change because I don't really want things to change. Y'know, like I'm content with the mundaneness of my life now, I'm scared of what the future might hold for me." Harry frowned. "I sound stupid."

"No, no, you don't. I get it."



"So what are you afraid of?"

Harry could hear Rooney's light breathing on the line, like a soft whisper. Then she spoke:

"I'm scared that things won't change."

"What do you mean?"

"... Nothing. Forget I said that. I gotta go do some math homework. See ya around."

Harry frowned, Rooney never does homework. "Uh, okay, bye."



There's a little bit of foreshadowing in this chapter, I decided that I'm going to take this story into a little more of a serious route and see how it goes. Please leave a comment or a like and tell me what you think!

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