Chap 2

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Bailey's POV

After Alexis left I cleaned up the house a little bit. "I feel bad for her but I know she can get through it," I smiled. I took in the lemon freshscent that filled the room. "That's what I call a clean house." There was a knock on the door and I opened it. "Hey Drew. Come in."

"Hey sweetheart," Drew smiled as he kissed me on the cheek and sat down on the couch. "Did you just clean?"

"Yeah, I just thought I'd help out Alexis a little bit while she's out," I nodded. "I had to get her out of the house. She was a wreck."

"I understand you helping her out but isn't she a cop?" Drew asked.

"She's a detective and she will literally find dirt on you," I smiled. "But as long as you're good to me, nothing will happen."

"Yeah, that's what I'm needing to talk to you about," Drew sighed.

"What?" I asked, not wanting to move an inch towards him.

"Bailey, the guys and I are going to a tour to Japan," Drew sighed. "And I know how it is for you with long distance relationships."

"Don't even," I stopped him. "You said you guys weren't going to Japan for another year and now you're leaving?"

"Bailey, I'm sorry," Drew sighed. "I just hope after this situation, we can just be friends."

"You know what," I choked, holding back my tears. "Just leave." I opened the door. "You might think this is a mutual break up, but I just lost eight months of my life to you."

"Just know I love you but things don't work out for a reason," Drew sighed. "You're going to find someone who treats you a lot better than I have."

Drew left and I closed the door. "First Alexis and now me," I sighed as I sat on the couch. "The difference is, she broke up with Devin and Drew broke up with me." I grabbed my phone and called Alexis. "Please pick up."

"Bailey, make it quick," Alexis stated. "I'm driving in the car. You're on speaker by the way."

"," I choked.

"WHAT?!" Alexis yelled. "I'm on my way."

She hung up. "Her light blue Lamborghini aventador is amazing," I sighed. Alexis' car always made me smiled. Her light blue, four seater Lamborghini aventador was an amazing gift from her grandparents. It was our dream friendship car but we never went on a double date in it. She walked through the front door. "Sorry for making you miss a great day."

"I was at work," Alexis smiled. "I met this really cute guy, Blake English, when I went to Starbucks though."

"Well, you day went from worst to good to you wanting to rip someone's head off," I sighed.

"Look, me planting evidence just to put Drew in jail would make me a dirty cop even though I would do anything to make my best friend happy," Alexis nodded. "But as much as I want to do that, I can't because I want to keep my job. It's the only income we got to pay the bills."

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "I'm bring in some money as a nurse. Plus, our schedule does coincide so we can have a girl's night."

"I don't think that night is tonight," Alexis raised a brow at me. "You'd get drunk and I'll end up being the one to take care of you during your hangover tomorrow morning." I have her thewhat are you talking about look. "Bailey, my phone call to my captain will be something like this. Yes, Captain, I can't come in today because I'm taking care of my sister because she has a hangover and no one else is here to help her out."

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