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"Manik , where are you?" asked Nandini entering the room as she stopped in her tracks looking at Manik on the bed sitting bare with his bermudas on. He looked up from his phone as he heard her , only to find her confused as she looked to and fro him and Amayra who was fast asleep hugging her teddy to her chest. He smiled sheepishly at her as is a child caught doing a misdeed.

"I thought you said Amayra was searching for me?" asked Nandini with her arms folded, glaring at him as though she would eat him raw. 

Manik put his phone aside and got up the bed. Pulling her to himself, he nuzzled in her hair.

"I was searching for my wife and some alone time with her" said Manik dropping a kiss on her neck as her chest heaved up and down,already. It was weird how they already had a baby girl and were about to have a child again and here they were, still in love and much more than before. It was all the same except that the understanding had grown, the maturity had grown, the trust had grown, the love is growing.

Nandini remembered how she had to give him an earful for pulling that prank on her. Pushing him back she continued with her glare game.

"Really?You could have told that to me that way na Manik" said Nandini

"Yeah right, to hear that Manik we have a wedding na, family around,Amayra aa jayegi and blah blah blah" said Manik turning her around and wrapping his arms around her stomach.

Nandini knew he was right and she needed this too, some time with her husband,her Manik. She leaned on his bare chest completely putting her weight on him as he secured his hold on her dropping a kiss on her hair from the back.

"I missed this Manik" said Nandini rubbing her hands over his which were on her stomach.

"I missed you too Nandini. We have not even talked properly since I have been here." said Manik inhaling her scent. How much he missed this for one entire month. He wondered how he had managed to live away from her but then he realized, that was not called living. He was not living.Just breathing and working.

"I know. I am so sorry I was not giving you enough time na? It used to be Amayra or the preparations, so selfish of me. I am sorry" said Nandini turning around and looking at him in the eyes with her innocent ones which appeared to have a lot of guilt now.

"Nandini yaar, you know that is not what I meant. And I do not give you the permission to call my wife selfish,okay? You were doing all of it for others,either for Amayra or helping out the family. I want you to give time to yourself just as much as I want us to have some time together. And besides, I am so guilty I was not there for you and Amayra for an entire month,Sorry" said Manik resting his forehead on hers as she frantically nodded in a No and dropped a kiss on his bent forehead.

"Let's do something" said Nandini pulling herself out of the hug.

"Do what , Ma'am?" asked Manik leaning on to the dresser. 

After thinking for a while,Nandini grabbed her phone and put on a song,their common favourite. Coming back to Manik, she extended her hand for him to hold as he admired all that she was doing . Grabbing her hand in his and putting the other one on her waist, the to swayed to the music,left and right. The two were engrossed in each other.Even when they were dancing to the tunes almost out of the real world,Manik was handling her delicately making sure he was not giving her jerks that might trouble her andthis was not unnoticed by Nandini. Manik's hand moved from her waist to her fringes that were coming out from her messy bun disturbing his sight. He did not miss how Nandini was not able to behold his gaze for long and how that was making her blush, he sure was loving this. 

Nandini pulled her gaze away from him and rested her head on his bare chest when she realized that he was actually standing naked infront of her. Wasn't that what she disliked the most? It was not once when certain female helpers had run into him roaming naked in the house. God knows why was he so obsessed with showing off his abs to people.

"Why the fuck are you not wearing clothes Manik?" asked Nandini coming out of his hold. All lovey dovey thing gone for the moment, and the real love, the real essence of their love back in the picture.

"Geez,stop shouting Nandini. Its humid here and so I found my comfort" said Manik looking at her.

"Shut up, there is no humidity in this air conditioned room. Just get over this thing of showing your body okay? Thats only for me to see and for you to show but to me. Do you get it?"' said Nandini taking out a tshirt from the cupboard and throwing it on his face. Manik knew there was no point teasing her further as it was already enough. Only if he knew that she knew why he used to do all this stuff, he loved to tease her and that is what kept them going. Truly said,it is not just love that keeps a relationship moving ahead. Being touchy and lovey dovey with stuff, dancing , singing, kissing is not enough. Its also comfort,trust,jokes,humour that keeps it going.There was nothing else that meant more to the two of them. This was their perfect as they joined their little girl on their bed and the other little one rested inside of them, in one's womb and the other's mind and both of their hearts.

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