Warmth or lack there of

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I don't think anything that had ever happened in my life could match this moment, of having Cameron close to me, his strong arms wrapped around me in a protective hug, his hair unruly and messy in the best way, soft sighs falling from his lips, his eyes pressed closed, would probably be the only thing I would change. I would have him open then so I could fall into that garden that was just for me, the brightest green, swirling with silver and gold, the most perfect thing on the earth.

But having him look so peaceful, I realised this was the first time I had seen him asleep, I always woke after him, he was always alert, always there, prepared to do anything. Even the first night we had stayed together, when I woke with nightmares fresh in my brain he had been awake, there to comfort me. When he had saved me the first time, he was in his office for ours, pouring over documents, trying to do everything possible to make sure that nothing like that would ever happen again. And it wasn't his failure that had caused me to be stolen away from him, but rather the determination of his enemies, and the pull of power that I was the key to.

But now none of that mattered, I was tucked beneath his arms, safe and sure just like the rise and fall of his chest, skin against skin, and warmth that wasn't comparable to anything I had ever felt before.

My mind was racing with the hungry kisses he had placed over me throughout the night, the conviction in his eyes as he declared his love for me. The feeling of practised fingers against my skin, which was warm and responsive, flushing red with every look and taste. 

It was overwhelming in the best way possible, a rush that was impossible to replicate, being intertwined with each other in the most intimate way possible. Sharing parts of ourselves that no one had ever seen before. I remembered it all and I would remember it for the rest of my life, the love more than anything, so pure and beautiful and I wanted to capture this moment, bottle it so I could drink its sweet ecstasy. 

To feel that euphoria all over again.

My fingers softly brushed his face, curving over the perfect arch of his jaw, and resting over his soft cheek, watching a small blush ripple beneath my fingers, brown skin meeting stark white and both being painted a pretty shade of pink.

Nothing else mattered in that single moment, it was just us. Together.

It was perfection.

But unfortunately, perfection would always be shattered by reality.

And that reality began when his eyes fluttered open. 

He gave me a lazy smile, the remnants of sleep still fresh, and I was sure my eyes were wide as I just stared at pure beauty, "Hey," I whispered and he broke out into a grin. His own hands brushed against my cheeks, a look of disbelief on his face, as though he couldn't really comprehend that I was really there.

A smirk tugged onto my lips and he watched the smile spread across my face, "Last night was amazing," 

His smirk widened too, as he drawled in that smooth addictive voice of his, "Oh really?"

"Yeah," I whispered looking up from the small bed that was on the plane, Alonso, for the most part, had left us alone, the night had painted its canvas across the sky, with the sun disappearing behind us after the first kiss, and submerging us in darkness after every other one.

Then with a wicked grin, I stretched out my arms, to his dismay moving from his strong grip, and exclaimed, "It was the best sleep I've ever had,"

I'd laughed at his reaction his smile turning into a frown, "You had a great sleep, are you sure there was nothing else?" which just made me laugh more.

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