Breakfast for two

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The morning sun was shining through Rachel's window, awakening Ross from his deep slumber.

He stretched his arms over his head and let out a big yawn. Lazily, he opened his eyes. He had to blink a few times to adjust to the light in the room. After a few seconds of trying to regain consciousness, he looked to his right and immediately began to smile.

She was lying beside him, still asleep.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and Rachel made it even more beautiful.

Ross's eyes roamed over her sleeping figure, and his heart skipped a beat at the beautiful sight before him.
She had pushed off her sheet during the night and her shirt had been pulled up, exposing the skin on her stomach.

She was perfect. Simply breathing.

Carefully, Ross reached out one of his hands and put a strand of fallen hair behind her ear. He wanted to see her face.

A smile began to form on Ross' lips as his eyes roamed over her relaxed face, absorbing every detail of her. Her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly parted. She looked so peaceful.

She looked like an angel.

It was Ross's first time waking up with her sleeping body by his side, sharing a bed. He had been so jealous of Monica when he was younger when she and Rachel always used to have sleepovers together.

For years he had dreamt of what it would feel like to share a bed with her, and only one word could describe what he was feeling at the moment- bliss.

He lived for this moment.
He lived for the feelings that were rushing freely through his body.

The smile on Ross' lips grew even bigger, he couldn't tears his eyes away from her.
Carefully, he reached for her body and wrapped one of his arms around her slim waist.

Her skin felt like silk.
So soft. So warm.

Ross pulled her closer. She was now breathing in his face, and her warm breath tickled him.

Ross took a deep breath as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. He held her close against his bare chest, never wanting to let her go. He struggled to wrap his head around the fact that she actually was his girlfriend. He had dreamt of this moment for so many years now, and finally, his dream has come true.

Never in his life did Ross dare to believe that Rachel one day would be his girlfriend. Deep down, a voice has always kept telling him that he was pathetic for dreaming about it. A sweetheart like her would never reciprocate his feelings.

He has been bullied.
He has been teased.

But now, years later, here he was, lying in her bed with her sleeping body in his arms.

She was now only his to call his own.
She was his girlfriend.

Ross was proud. He wanted to show her off to the high school friends that used to tease him, the bullies, and of course, most importantly, he wanted to show his younger self that he always has been enough.

Ross wanted to show everybody that he had won.

He tightened his grip around Rachel's sleeping body, hugging it close to his own. Her body was warm, her skin felt softer the more he touched it.

Ross buried his face in her hair, and the sweet aroma of it sent him to heaven.

He quietly thanked his lucky stars.
Coconut was now his favourite sent.

Ross' smile grew on his lips when he felt Rachel squeezing his body back. The side of her face was pressed against his chest, squished against it.
He gently ran his hands through her hair, massaging her scalp.

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