The Elements <3

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It was a hot summer day and everyone was outside because of our parents. We all went for a hike and we found a waterfall, we decided to look around for a bit and suddenly Courtney said, "OMG! Guys! Come here, there are crystals! They look so pretty!" We all rushed over to her and saw that there were crystals, we all picked one up and then when we did our hair started to glow and then stopped. we had a streak of the color of the crystal, when they disappeared we all sighed in relief, when we looked at the crystals we saw they just stopped glowing, Chad popped his head out of the house and saw us with the crystals and asked in a very irritated voice, "HEY! Why do you guys get the cool friendship crystals and I don't!?"

We all laughed and then gave him the blue crystal to which he giggled like a little girl looked at us, coughed and said: thank you. then we ran off like a child, we all rolled our eyes and laughed then we all had to head home because of dinner, we put them our back pockets and headed off we told Chad we had to go and said him too, so we all walked home later after dinner we all said we were going to meet up to see what they crystals do and way they made our hair glow with them, Chad was very upset because apparently his hair didn't light up. At least he didn't see it even though it did.

The next day we all went back to where we were and we talked for a bit and realized that crystals are what let us have magical powers or something like that. We were joking around for a bit and then a white bunny came up to me and snached my crystal! And when I yelled "HEY! THAT BUNNY STOLE MY CRYSTAL!" We all ran after it and it went into a little house, we all slowly walked in and saw a man holding my crystal and the bunny! He looked about our age, and had brown hair and purple eyes?! We all told him that we were following his bunny and I butted in and almost yelled at him, "We were following your bunny because he took MY crystal and I'd like it back!" he looked at his bunny and said to it, "Bonnie didn't I tell you to stop taking other people's stuff?" he looked at us and apologized "I'm so sorry about Bonnie he's been getting into a lot of trouble if I'm not with him."

He handed me my crystal, told me it was beautiful and I thanked him. We left but he set his bunny down and the bunny started following us, I felt super uneasy and then the man appeared in front of us out of a smoke cloud! "I'm sorry I never told you my name! My name is Liam. I'm happy to help you with anything and so is Bonnie!" I gawked at him and we all asked at the same time, "DO YOU HAVE A CRYSTAL TOO?!" he looked at us and laughed "Of course I have a crystal too, why do you think I was so fast to give you yours back?

 I already have one of my own!" We were all stunned by another crystal holder! When we told him we had to go eat dinner cause it was getting really late, he told us he'd be here tomorrow and we told him so would we. We headed off in different directions and after we ate we went to sleep, and when I woke up it was, 2:30 IN THE MORNING?! But I heard a creepy tapping noise on my door so I opened it, and I screamed.

I opened the door to a humongous MONSTER. It looked like a bunny, only it was purple standing on its feet and had A GUITAR!? The bunny swung at me and I jumped away. I ran as fast as I could to the living room. When I got there the bunny was waiting for me only, was he missing his face? When I stepped back the bunny let out a screaming noise and I ran but my ears were ringing! I ran outside to go to the cabin we found Liam in but running outside, BIG mistake, the bunny was already out there! And now he was as big as a TREE! 

He was missing his face and wires hung from it. I looked at a jawline of metal TEETH! And he was now missing an arm and wires were there too! It was so creepy! I had no idea about how to escape it. I screamed for help again and then the bunny became yellow? And it was glowing! The sun was coming up! Oh thank the lord the sun was up! The bunny became....BONNIE?! The bunny was BONNIE THE WHOLE TIME?! Liam appeared and then he picked up Bonnie and said "There you are! Stop wondering off." I gawked at him and said "Do you know that he became a monster?!" "What do you mean he became a monster??" 

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