Keep Smiling (One Direction FanFiction)

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Hey so I'm hoping you'll like this because I think it has a lot of potential. I don't have much else to say other than please comment what you think!!!!!

Mad <3

Aria's POV

"Aria we have to get up for school." I stay there sleeping. I could sleep for a long time, except for the matter of school. 

"No I think i'll just sleep." I reply to Emily. She's my 19 year old sister who I lova and adore, but she loves to annoy me.

"You won't get a ride to school." That's it I'm up. If I have to take the bus I'll be grumpy. I hate the bus to my high school. No one takes it and the people who do smell like every drug there is. 

"Fine. I'm up. TO STARBUCKS." I yell. We always stopped there on our way to school, and we were allowed to drink it during our first period.

I throw on a black, white, and pink striped sweater (because the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time), light pink leggings, and my favorite black flats.  I brush my teeth and put my curly hair into a messy bun. 

I put on a little mascara and light eyeshadow. We hopped in the car and drove through the streets of Lakewood. It's a fairly big town, but beautiful. Our car is a convertible, so it's all open and nice. It may be 7 AM, but I just have to put my hands up and scream. I feel so lucky, and I don't know why. I turn up the stereo as my favorite song starts blasting. It's called Heroes by David Bowie and it's from The Perks of Being a Wallflower. 

"We can be heroes just for one day!!!!!" I scream. I love that song and the movie. It's just so inspiring. The song sounds so cool on the guitar, and I wish I could sing with it, but I'm not such a great singer. 

Suddenly, my phone strums along to Niall playing Little Things on the guitar. Riley set it to be like that. 

From: Riley

Hey where are you???!!!! Major fashion crisis.

Riley <3

To: Riley

On my way. Keep calm and meet me in the lounge.

Aria <3

That's Riley for you. She loves fashion, shoes, texting, and One Direction. She has quite the obssession, but I don't talk about it much because I don't love them, and neither does the school. I arrive at the lounge.

"Thanks Em. See you later." She heads off to work at the animal hospital. She just got back from college in South Carolina because school ended about a week ago, but I just have to get through this month and June, and then I'm out of high school. 

"So what's the issue Ri?" I ask quickly.

"I threw on this sweater really quickly because it's cute right?" I nod.

"And then when I get here and throw my jacket in the locker it's way too big, and it's all off center,and...." 

"Lucky you this happened to me the other day. I know it sounds crazy, but switch pants with me. You wear my leggings and I'll take your jeans." 

"Alright, but will they fit me? I'm a 4 and you're a 2." 

"They're leggings you'll be fine." We swap clothes and her crisis is fixed. Let's hope she agrees. 

"Oh. My. Gosh. I love you."

"I try. Now let's go before Mr. C gives us detention." 

We rush down the hallway trying to get to class on time. In all the chaos I bump into a tall brown haired guy. I notice his face, and I remember that there was a new kid from Ireland that moved here a week ago. 

"Sorry. Here's your book, beautiful." He says in THE MOST ADORABLE ACCENT. Wow, a sweet guy. What are the odds of that? 

"Sorry. Thank you." I replied. I was probably blushing because he gave me a little smile. He is sooooooo hot. 

I take my seat in Spanish, and soon after the new Irish boy plops down right next to me. 


Hey guys so I know this has been up, but now it's a little prologue so I hope you like it. 

Mad <3

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